N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: East, John P.

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Editorial: Two senators, same prism - Ja 1 82 4
  2. Group honors King, protests East (Greenville) - Ja 16 82 21
  3. Coalition calls for extension of Voting Rights Act - Ja 19 82 28
  4. Helms, East back Bennett for humanities chairman - Fe 3 82 22
  5. East, FBI director disagree on limits (limiting surveillance of radical groups) - Fe 5 82 4D
  6. Editorial: Just keeping tabs - Fe 8 82 4A
  7. Under the dome: Helms and East earn zeros from liberals - Fe 12 82 6A
  8. N. C. groups' billboard urges voting act extension - Fe 18 82 19A
  9. Goldwater, East clash over bills to limit court power - Mr 18 82 1
  10. (Federal) Legislation hazardous to judiciary's health - Mr 19 82 4A
  11. N. C. group's abortion petition fails to persuade Helms, East - Mr 21 82 28A
  12. Citizens' group wants senators' tax breaks cited - Ap 9 82 8C
  13. East pushes for voting act change as debate begins - Ap 29 82 8A
  14. 30 in Congress get military pensions - My 2 82 33A
  15. Editorial: Test for Lincoln's party (voting rights act) - My 2 82 4D

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N&O Index Card

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