N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Textile Industry

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Textile industry's profits projected to rise 20 percent - Fe 1 87 38J
  2. Traditional manufacturers upbeat; Textiles, furniture, tobacco sound; high-tech firms try to rebound - Fe 1 87 2J
  3. N.C. exports haven't gained momentum from falling dollar - Fe 8 87 1I
  4. NCSU seeks grant to link computers, textiles (Center for Research in Apparel-Fiber-Textile
  5. Industries) - - Fe 25 87 6A
  6. Textile aid a priority for lawmakers (and nuclear waste dump) - Mr 1 87 1D
  7. Gastonia union vote haunted by violence of struggle in 1929 - Mr 5 87 1C
  8. Textile industry targets trade imbalance - Ap 10 87 4B
  9. Textile makers expect recovery to continue - Ap 11 87 8B
  10. 4 N.C. textile firms got federal subsidies (Cone; Burlington; Parkdale; Ti-Caro) - Ap 17 87 4B
  11. Trim textile industry foresees good year - Ap 26 87 1I
  12. N.C. show biggest regional jump in textile jobs - No 13 87 7B

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N&O Index Card

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