N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Students oppose fee for cafeteria repairs - Ja 13 83 2C
  2. UNC concert OK'd but alcohol banned - Ja 15 83 2C
  3. Academic top 20 nearly unchanged - Ja 17 83 9A
  4. UNC consolidates science degrees - Ja 22 83 1C
  5. UNC vice chancellor (Boulton) suspended - Fe 1 83 1
  6. Students drink in experiment on imbibing's baneful effects - Fe 23 83 2C
  7. UNC grads defended as not selfish - My 16 83 1C
  8. ACC reaps $13 million - My 17 83 1B
  9. Few athletes finish (college) in 4, survey says - My 19 83 1B
  10. Magazine (Money) says UNC a bargain on tuition - My 27 83 2C
  11. UNC-CH buys rare treasure of folk music - Jn 2 83 2C
  12. UNC waste facility nearly completed - Jn 8 83 4C
  13. Article ranks UNC 18th on programs - Jn 25 83 2C
  14. State, UNC get ACC golf review - Jy 12 83 1B
  15. UNC building proposal would reduce parking - Jy 15 83 2D
  16. Details settled in plan for teacher education - Au 12 83 8B
  17. Paint from Kenan gets in stream - Se 24 83 2C
  18. UNC to honor four on University Day (Thornton; Chambers; Fussler; Patterson) - Se 25 83 34A
  19. UNC welcomes home 1st Tar Heel in space - Oc 13 83 2C
  20. Director to film 'All at Ashevillemerican' in area, if UNC agrees - No 20 83 33A
  21. UNC may reconsider decision against filming movie - De 3 83 2C
  22. UNC again rejects proposal to film movie on campus - De 6 83 2C
  23. UNC rejection leaves producer without location to make film - De 7 83 13A

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N&O Index Card

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