N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Camp Lejeune

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Lejeune Marine (Meade) criticizes corps' homosexual policy - Ap 20 89 4C
  2. Marines move from desks to foxholes - Ap 23 89 29A
  3. Camp Lejeune smoking limit begins Monday - Ap 29 89 9D
  4. 165 Camp Lejeune Marines part of plan - My 12 89 4A
  5. N.C. Marines begin journey to join contingent in Panama - My 13 89 9A
  6. N.C. coast is 'liberated,' but it's just a military drill - My 14 89 23A
  7. Poll on military bases ranks Fort Bragg, Camp Lejeune - My 20 89 3C
  8. Senators invade N.C. Marine bases - My 25 89 16A
  9. Jacksonville annexes land on military bases - Jn 2 89 2C
  10. Hiring freeze ordered for Camp Lejeune - No 30 89 2C
  11. Nearly 3,000 N.C. soldiers in attack; Camp Lejeune Marine (Isaak) one of victims; 82nd Airborne
  12. involved - De 21 89 1

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N&O Index Card

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