N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Capital Punishment

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Death penalty cases could clog Wake court system - Ja 25 91 1B
  2. Editorial: - The 'right thing' in Virginia - Fe 23 91 10A
  3. Editorial: - Court at the switch - Jn 29 91 12A
  4. Death looms for man near end of appeals; Inmate could be first executed in 5 years - Au 4 91 1
  5. Executions since 1977 - (Chart) - Au 4 91 1
  6. Editorial: - The death-chamber railroad - Se 30 81 8A
  7. 4 on death row to be resentenced on basis of ruling - Oc 4 91 5B
  8. 79

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N&O Index Card

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