N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Education - Finance

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Drug war money at stake; Court case could decide who gets seized assets - Ja 7 90 1
  2. Program's cost goes to schools, judge says - Ja 17 90 1B
  3. Triangle 2000: - Failure to invest in schools could dim Triangle's future - Ja 17 90 1
  4. Rural schools to ask for change in state funding - Ja 23 90 3B
  5. Schools vie for (Next Century Schools) grants; 14 in N.C. named as finalists by RJR - Ja 24 90 2B
  6. Sanford wants children to gain from peace dividend - Ja 28 90 1C
  7. Schools say costs to rise at least $6.6 million - Fe 12 90 1B
  8. School taxes make 'city-out' popular pick (Durham) - Fe 19 90 7A
  9. Wake tops in per-pupil spending - Fe 20 90 2B
  10. N.C. schools seek action - Mr 11 90 13A
  11. Board considers 1990-91 school funds - Ap 3 90 5B
  12. Wake school chief seeks 18.8% budget increase - Ap 5 90 1B
  13. Public schools face late budget squeeze - Ap 6 90 6B
  14. Wake schools may face $2.5 million cut - Ap 10 90 1B
  15. Cuts in state funding squeeze school systems - Ap 11 90 1B
  16. School budget cuts - (Chart) - Ap 11 90 1B
  17. Senate leader hinting at cut in school funds - Ap 14 90 1
  18. Editorial: - Helping schools, the best way - Ap 16 90 6A
  19. Editorial: - The school emergency - Ap 20 90 12A
  20. Etheridge says closing schools not an option; Salary savings called one solution to crisis - Ap 20 90 1
  21. Schools seek 18% increase in county funds - Ap 20 90 1B
  22. Parents, teachers speaking up - Ap 21 90 14A
  23. Schools' budget plight questioned; Wake school officials hold $3 million in local funds for next year - Ap 21 90 1
  24. Under the Dome: - Speaker seeks school aid - Ap 21 90 1B
  25. State treasurer says state won't replace Wake school fund - Ap 22 90 2C
  26. Editorial: - Bite the schools bullet - Ap 24 90 8A
  27. Martin, Wake lock horns over school funding - Ap 25 90 1B
  28. Editorial: - Test case for trickle-down taxes - Ap 26 90 16A
  29. Senate budget leader vows to support schools in state money crisis; Royall's pledge falls short, Etheridge says - Ap 27 90 1
  30. 5 Wake board members reject school closing - Ap 28 90 1
  31. Boone council reneges on school fund pledge - Ap 28 90 4B
  32. Turn bad budget news to good for Tar Heel education - Ap 29 90 7J
  33. One-third of schools file report; Most austerity surveys to bust N.C. deadline - My 1 90 1B
  34. Confusion surrounds school cuts; Governor criticizes Etheridge - My 2 90 1
  35. Governor eases schools' fund squeeze - My 3 90 1
  36. Etheridge criticizes Martin cuts; Loss of 2,350 teaching jobs predicted - My 12 90 1
  37. Proposed school cuts stir worry; Officials see no way to maintain quality - My 13 90 1C
  38. Martin attacks Etheridge study on school cuts; Governor challenges estimate that teaching jobs would be lost - My 15 90 1
  39. State will keep the school buses running in Wake - My 15 90 1B
  40. Local school spending per student by N.C. counties - (Chart) - My 17 90 14A
  41. Rural, urban school gap growing - My 17 90 1
  42. Scott calling on political leaders to find more money for education - My 17 90 3B
  43. Editorial: - Courage for leaders...and taxes for cigarettes - My 21 90 6A
  44. Legislature reconvenes amid protests; Teachers denounce cuts; death penalty criticized - My 22 90 1
  45. Education foundation comes to aid of Garner schools - My 24 90 2F
  46. School plan may face fund cuts; Senate panel seeking cut in school funding - My 25 90 1
  47. Royall says school plan wasn't cut - My 26 90 3B
  48. Foundation money helps campuses cope with state fund cuts - My 27 90 1C
  49. Fund N.C. colleges, not roads to nowhere - Jn 1 90 13A
  50. School cuts rejected; Tax proposals arise in House - Jn 1 90 1
  51. UNC study finds little fund disparity among state schools - Jn 1 90 3B
  52. Rural schools called stymied by state funding; Experts differ on solutions - Jn 2 90 1B
  53. State neglects its children and thus its future - Jn 3 90 6J
  54. Tar Heel editors speak: - Untimely education cuts - Jn 3 90 7J
  55. Under the Dome: - 2 legislators avoid voting on proposal (drivers' ed funding) - Jn 4 90 1B
  56. Wake school officials pleased with county's proposed budget - Jn 6 90 7B
  57. Durham schools press for budget hikes - Jn 7 90 1B
  58. Editorial: - Rabbits, hats and Democrats - Jn 7 90 18A
  59. Senate budget advances; School fund increase would be slashed - Jn 7 90 1B
  60. Coalition favors tax hike over school cuts - Jn 13 90 5B
  61. Senate panel rejects DOT bid to use school funds for roads - Jn 13 90 3B
  62. Tar Heel editors speak: - State Senate mugs schools - Jn 17 90 7J
  63. Senate OKs budget that cuts schools; Reductions would avoid tax increases - Jn 19 90 1
  64. Tax-hike chorus growing; Chambers join call to fund schools fully - Jn 19 90 1B
  65. Change urged to break poor schools from cycle - Jn 26 90 4B
  66. Group faults financing of schools - Jn 27 90 4B
  67. UNC-CH students protest proposed cuts - Jn 28 90 2B
  68. Senate plan undercuts BEP, educators say - Jy 1 90 1C
  69. Wake hires Adams to lobby for funds for education - Jy 3 90 5B
  70. Editorial: - No solace for the children - Jy 7 90 10A
  71. State risks school-funding lawsuit, lawyer says - Jy 18 90 4B
  72. Two Durham systems seek $151.4 million for schools - Jy 19 90 2B
  73. Schools must cut budgets; Reductions to take $41.38 per student - Au 3 90 1B
  74. Wake schools must cut $482,000 from budget - Au 15 90 3B
  75. $672 million school plan proposed - Se 18 90 1
  76. Cost of Etheridge's school plan could exceed estimates, two say - Se 20 90 4B
  77. Editorial: - Etheridge's old school try - Se 21 90 16A
  78. Teachers threaten suit against districts for using bonus pay - Oc 2 90 3B
  79. Audit says Wake schools could have reduced costs in 1988-89 - Oc 16 90 5B
  80. Schools could run out of bus-fuel funds by spring - No 2 90 1B
  81. Plan seeks to equalize schools; Proposal could narrow gap between big, small districts - No 15 90 1B
  82. Editorial: - Poor schools, poor state - No 18 90 6J
  83. Editorial: - No shortfall on schools - No 28 90 14A
  84. State warned of suits if funding of schools is not made uniform - De 8 90 3B
  85. County commissioners ask state to loosen school-spending reins - De 13 90 3B
  86. School bus gas funds expected to run dry - De 14 90 4B
  87. Martin seeks proof BEP is worth the cost - De 15 90 3B
  88. Survey cites gains in N.C. school funding - De 24 90 2B

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N&O Index Card

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