N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Pendleton, Gary H.

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Cofield backs GOP opponent of man who unseated her in '84 - Ma 7 88 1C
  2. Six begin Wake board campaigns - Se 15 88 1T
  3. Candidates trade shots in bid for Wake seat - Oc 22 88 1C
  4. Candidates differ over leadership - Oc 27 88 1T
  5. Pendleton changes views on watershed protection - Oc 29 88 2C
  6. Pendleton outspending Stout 5-to-1 - Oc 29 88 1
  7. Pendleton spends double that of other candidates - No 2 88 2C
  8. County board race issues are water, taxes, growth - No 3 88 1T
  9. Editorial: - Stout pays off for Wake - No 3 88 18A
  10. Pendleton lists non-Wake voters in ad; Martin, at least 3 aides endorsed Wake commissioner
  11. candidate - No 8 88 3C
  12. Wake board candidate (Pendleton) has asked recount - No 11 88 2C

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N&O Index Card

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