N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 83 results.
- BOt?rd considers plans for advertising state. May 13-37:1.
- Advertisers seek state's account. May 1-4 37:3. 1.
- Atlanta company to handle fund. Je.4-37:
- Hoey to launch state publicity. Je.16-37:14.
- W.P.Sharpe joins staff of state advertising. Jl.7-37:14.
- Miss Mildred Seydell to write series on state. Jl.10-37:2.
- Stories. Jl.16-37:1.
- State tour will cover 1,517 miles In 12 days. 3.5-37:11 X. S.10-37:2. IB.
- Two days added to travel tour. S.30-37:
- To show experts what this atate is adver tising. 0.3-37:11 0.
- Travel expsrts to view oddity. 0.5-37:16 AAA officials praise advertising tour. 0.8-37:10.
- Treachery in steaks, (ed.) 0.12-37:4.
- N.C. breakfast (ed.) 0.13-37:4.
- Sirrrole fare. 0.14-37:5- ed. p.4.
- Visitors on tour from 17 states. 0.18-37:1.
- State off light on travel tour. N.1-37: 10.
- Light. N.16-37:1. Frugal. N.17-37:1.
- Dan Terry, advertiser (ed.) D.7-37:4.
- State publicity will reach peak in next quarter. D.26-37:1.
- State considers N.Y.office. Jan.7-38:16. Moochers. F.3-38:1. Girls. Mar.11-38:1.
- 2.
- Hotel men hold, meet at Wilson. Se.24-38
- Greetings, Christmas cards. Se.28-38:1.
- Carolina literature going to California. D.21-38:3.
- Asheville hotel leaders back state ad plans. D.27-38:14.
- Busted mouse trap (ed.) F.24-39:4.
- State oublicity campaign lauded.J1.13-39:11.
- Sale. Ag.4-39:1.
- Letters for advertising. 0.8-39:1.
- Maj. John Armstrong wants letter returned. 0.11-39:1. 40:3,
- Advertising executives meet here. Jan.l!
- R.J.Reynolds gives travelogue film to Advertising com. Mar.28-40:5.
- Hospitality (ed.) Je.28-40:4.
- State advertising movie draws oralse at preview. Ap.5-41:12.
- Birtholace, birthplace, who's got a birthplace? Jl.11-41:16.
- Moving mountains. 0.12-41:1. Popular. Jen.6-42:8. 42:5.
- Travel ads wins committee okay. Jan.20-4 State will drop advertising plan. Jan.21
- 42:1,1
- State publ_city to be continued. Jan.27-
- 42:3.
- Curtailment. Mar.15-42:1.
- State advertising budget to feature whol state. Mar.21-42:2. 4.
- State ads shift to ne>; program. Je. 14-42
- Sharpe appointed State news head. Jl.12-42:8.
- Advertising. Ag.2-42:1. 10.
- State ad plans to be continued. Ag.6-42:
- Advertisin ".-old convention. Jan.31-43:3 0.
- Advertising men oen convention in Rocky Mount. Jl.31-43:3.
- Gratifying results fror: advertising srys Governor. Se.24-43:1.
- Speakers lau< ewspaper ros at meeting In Durham of the Carolina Association of advertising executives. Jan.26-44:2.
- Advertising men elect officers. Jan.28-45:2.
- Advertising session to be opened Friday. Jl.25-45:8.