N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 43 results.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Pitt liquor stores show large profit. 0.13-35:6.
- Open liauor stores in Pinehurst today. 0.19-35:5.
- Liauor profits net 115,918.04 in Wilson county. N.6-35:5.
- Pitt liauor profits reach $?0,000 mark. N.13-35:10.
- #
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Liquor sales run #200,000 a month. D.1# 35:1.
- W.D.Ferrell placed on Nash A.B.C. board Jan.7-3S: 8.
- Counties guard liauor profits. Jan.26-
- 36:1 M.
- Salep of liquor total fl,232,850. Jan. 31-36:2.
- Wilson's rum sales total over #60,000. F.7-35:3.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Liquor stores net $48,000 in Edgecomb.
- F.9-36:10.
- Vance whiskey store shows profit #32,988
- F.11-36:3.
- Franklin rum stores do $9, 363 in month.
- F.13-36:10.
- Grand jury urges reduction of liquor
- 6tock8.in-Hash. Mar. 15-36:3.
- Says Warren liquor figures were i.n error
- Mar.33-35:5. 2
- Seek retention of county plan. Mar.27-36
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- ABC men opoose state control. Ap.18-36:2
- Pasquotenk ABC store, makes $4,636 profit Ap.18-36:5.
- B.J.Williams say squabbles seem inevitable. Ap.19-36:10 X.
- Whiskey sales in Halifax. Ap.26-36:11 X.
- Wilson ABC stores shov; profit of $85, 468. May 11-36:7.
- Board promises reply to ABC charges in Edgecombe. Je.6-36:3.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Whiskey sales boost to Wilson county. Jl", 1-36:7.
- Edgecombe county alcohol bd. makes answe: Jl.2-36:15.
- Wilson ABC bd. appoints inspector. Jl. 15-36:7.
- Rum sales in five units exceed $250,000 a year. Jl.22-36:10.
- New Hanover gets $110,520 in year from liquor. Ag.5-36:5.
- Two ABC investators are shot. Ag.11-36:1
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Wilson ABC head seeks to resign. Mar.16-37:12.
- AftMnib Bailey head Wilson ABC store. Mai 19-37:15.
- Whiskey stores open under Moore control, Mar.26-37:5.
- Windsor opens first store without vote of people. Ap.13-37:1.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Nash stores.riven clean bill. Se.3-36:3.
- Craven stores show more orifits. N.3-36: 7.
- Liquor receipts gain in Wilson. N.5-36:2
- Gross sales over four millions last 18 months. Jan.l0-37:1.
- Pasauotank liquor bd. sets nev; rules. F.28-37:5.
- Limit removed in Henderson. Ap.15-37:3.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- A.B.C. Stores.
- Representatives of wet counties say liquor tax reducing profit. May 14-37:1.
- Charges hurled at ABC board in Edgecomb county. May 27-37:1. May 28-37:1. May 29-37:1.
- Batts to investigate Edgecombe ABC store Je.5-37:12.
- Do they mean control?(ed.) Je.6-37:4 0.
- First ABC store opeeas in Johnston county. Je.22-37:13.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Liquor and politics (ed.) Ag.6-37:4.
- Minister denies part in ABC row. Ag.20-37:19.
- Liauor audit system prostested by group. Ag.25-37:17.
- Bootlegger does business next door to ABC store. S.14-37:12.
- First liquor audits show sales over half millions. 0.21-37:1.
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), State Board of stores
- Durham wettest,0.26-37:16.
- Liquor sales In October show $218,992. N.17-37:16.
- October liquor rax brings $56,656.72. N.23-37:7.
- ABC store at Kinston robbed. D.5-37:1.
- County ABC men discuss control. D.9-37j 10.
- ABC wine sales will be tested. D.11-37: 12.