N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
Associated Charities - Raleigh
- Charities gien little from outside channels. May 21-35:1.
- renny-a-meal rfund gets $1,131 in three months. May 19-35:2.
- No money available to feed city's hungry. J e. 15-35:12.
- Destitute familite get only 13 cents per day. Jl.20-35:1.
- Fenny-a-meal plan yields over f1,600. Se.?-35:5.
Associated Charities - Raleigh
- Mrs. Mooneyham resigns as secretary. Jl.18-88:13.
- Aid the sick and the poor. 9.6-89:5.
- Penny-a-meal fund collects 01,696.49. 0.27-35:1? X.
- Charities have hardest vear. Jan.83-36: 8;
- New relief organization ends associated
- charities. Mar.23-37:2.
Associated Charities - Raleigh
- Associated charities history reads like modern story book. Ap.26-36:1 X.