N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 21 results.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Brummitt makes speech in Stovall. Se.2-28:9 M.
- E.S. Parker appointed democratic state director of finance. Se.7-28:2.
- Bulwinkle opens in 9th district. Se.7-28:5.
- Brummitt opens Wake campaign at Wake Forest; Daniels speaks at Fayetteville. Se.8-28:1.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Maj. Buiwinkle at Lincolnton. Se.9-28: 9 X.
- Speakers for this week. Se.9-28:9 M.
- Ward speaks at Chowan. Se.11-28:10.
- Speaking dates named by Mull. Se.15-28:8.
- Young democratics to be organized; Daniels speaks at Boone; Morrison at Concord, Se.16-28:2. Purrington will lead young democratic club. Se.16-28:3.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Miss Virginia Storr to organize young women in Wake County. e.29-28:5, ;L Speakers this week. Se.30-28:11; 0.2-2
- John D. Langston makes good his charges. Oct.1-28:5.
- Southern wpmen in Tammany Hall. Oct. 2-28 2
- Lanham speaks at Greensboro. 0.2-28:12,
- Link G.O.P. with anti-Catholic literature being distributed over state. 0.3 28:8.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Stump speakers hold limelight. Se.24-2{
- 10; Se.25-28:4.
- State-wide distribution of Smith speech tickets. Se.26-28:1.
- Mull says evidence supports radio suppression charge; Simmerson tried for hurling eggs; Young voters to organize Fridaji. Se.27-28:2.
- Mull says party not back of attacks on Simmons. Se.28-28:1.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- 4.
- Speakers for the week. Se. 17-28:9jl8-2
- State campaign makes progress. Se.17-28:10.
- Johnson replies to Suitor Martin. Se. 19-28:12,
- Mrs. R.L.Thompson Jr. to organize young democratic women. Se.21-28:2.
- Speakers for the week. Se.23-28:6.
- Tennessee not doubtful Bay Senator Tyson
- Se.24-28:5.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Talks in Wake this weei. 0.23-28:12. Revised list of speakers. 0.25-28:12. Headquarters denies any negro sent here.
- 0.26-28:8.
- Mill huRis lie direct at those raising negro issue against Snith. 0.27-28:1.
- Mull and Jackson file statements. 0.27-28:7.
- Democratic women in Aberdeen organize.
- 0.28-28:12
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Women of ycungsville organize democratic club. 0.19-28:9.
- Women of Wake organize democratic club in Raleigh. 0.20-38:1.
- Speeches by Simmons and Hoey here next week. 0.20-28:1.
- Heavy speaking this week. 0.21-28:5 M.
- Chairmen city precincts meet today. 0. 22-28:8.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Ward to follow hie own judgment in regard to talking about Senator Simmons. 0.3-28:8.
- Schedmle for this week speakers. 0.3-28:11.
- Young democrats are organizing. 0.4-28; 16. 28:8.
- Speakers for this week. 0.7-28:8 0; 9-Speaks for World War Veterans. 0.8-28: Speakers for this week. 0.14-28:4 x.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Speakers for this week. 0.28-28:12 0.
- WorlcJJ6.r veterans to rMrire 29 speeches for Smith this week. 0.29-28:2.
- Many additions to speaking lists. 0.30-28:2.
- Democrats speed up radio appeal. N.l-28:1.
- Hester attacks Cannon. N.2-28:11. State safr for Al says Daniels. N.3-2J
- 1.
Democratic Party. Presidential campaign
- Mrs. Lyman Cotten speaks in Raleigh. N. 3-28:3.
- Defies M'Hinch to show source of antis1 funds. N.4-2S:1.
- Halifax to have1 "big Smith carade. N.4-28:4 0.
- Sheets are Off the bogeys (ed.) N.4-28
- 4 M.
- Johnson asks Democrats to recall past.
- N.5-28:1.