N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-5 of 5 results.
Education - Integration and segregation - Winston-Salem
- Winston-Salem hegro girl enters school peacefully. N&O, Sept-6-1957, 1:6
Education - Integration and segregation - Winston-Salem
- 'nston-Salem
- Winston-5alem gr?duates Negro girl. N&O, June-6-1959, 10:2
Education - Integration and segregation - Winston-Salem
- Dismissal of racial discrimination suit in Winston-Salem schools requested. N&O, Nov-19-68, 5:5.
Education - Integration and segregation - Winston-Salem
- North Forsyth High School closed because of racial tension and unrest. N&O, Dec-17-68, 1:7.
Education - Integration and segregation - Winston-Salem
- J. Alston Alkins' discrimination suit against Forsyth County-Winston-Salem Board of Education dismissed by U. S. judge. N&O, Feb-25-69, 1:4.