N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 19 results.
- State engineers to form Council. F.15-33:2.
- Lake is elected engineers' head. D.4-37: 3.
- Durham engineer will get award. Jan.28-33:18.
- N.C. 'Engineers complete full conventior Jan.29-33:12.
- State engineers plan convention, honor Mr. Riddick. Jl.31-38:8.
- End convention of N.C. engineers In
- Asheville. Ag. 6-39:6 0. Cj
- State engineers to meet today. Jan.26-4C
- Institute of engineers begin ses slons
- Friday. Jan.23 -41 :3.41:12.
- Engineers ho nor Raleigh student. Ap.20-
- Kllburn elec ted en- jjlneer 's head. N.8-41:
- 10.
- N.C. Society en ineer s meet ft or con-
- vention here. -. Ag, 1 1-> 42:3.
- Engineers' Society holds annual convention here today. Jan.29-43:18.
- H.B.Robinson named herd of the N.C. Chap ter of the American institute of electric engineers. N.9-43:5.
- N.C. Bd. of registration for engineers and lrncl surveyors voted to v?ive the $5 renewal fee. D.5-43:2. 29-44:5.
- Engineers open annual meeting here. Jan.
- j "'ofu2KH?5' WilrnlnSton heads engineers
- 3.
- Engineers open meeting today: Jan.26-45:
- N.C. Soc. of Engineers open annual meeting. Jan.27-45:3.
- I.M.Keever elected president of the local engineers club. Mar.13-45:2.
- Garber named head of civil engineers. Jan.13-46:9.
- N. P. Hayes new head of State's Civil Engineers. Jan. ll-4-7: 5
- N.C. Society of Engineers to meet here Thursday. Jan. 21-4-7: 5.
- Engineers begin meeting. Jan. 23-4-7; 1 W. Paul Lyman made president of N.C. Society of Engineers. Jan. 25-4-7: 10.
- Society of Engineers select Prof. Vaughn as outstanding engineer. Feb. 9-4-7: 9.
- Engineers Club names 197 officers. Mar. H-47: 14.
- Proffessor E. G. Hoefer elected presl dent of Engineers Club. Mar. 9-4$: 7.
- T. C. Heyward of Charlotte installed as head of N.C. Society of Engineers. Jan. 22-49: 2.
- H. D. Jones heads N.C. Society of Engineers. Jan. 28-50: 16.
- Ross H. Reynolds nominated for presidency of N.C. Society of Engineers. Aug. 19-50: 10.
- Engineers honor Louis V. Sutton. Jan. 31-53: 10.
- Conservation leadership urged. N&O, Feb-2l-76, 30:1
- Women urged to seek, engineering jobs. Picture. N&O, Jun-21-76, 9:3
- Engineers will hear Goldwater Jr. N&O, Nov-14-76, VI 2:1
- Rep. Goldwater: Machines outstrip social safeguards. N&O, Nov-17-76, 25:4