N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 38 results.
Fertilizers and manures
- Fertilizer issue discussed here. Apr. 6-46: 10.
- Farmers buying more fertilizer. May 2-46: 13.
- Shortages bring rsoor fertilizer. May 19 46: 11.
- Fertilizer shortage seen for most farms this year. Feb. 1-47 2.
- Proposed fertilizer law opposed by manufacturer. Mar. 4-47" 12.
Fertilizers and manures
- Huge fertilizer output in state, p. 5, Itlar. 21, 1927
- Chilean representative denies nitrate monopoly in Raleigh. Ap.11-27:5.
- Dr. Butler s-oeaks at meeting of the National Fertilizer aepociation at Old Point Comfort. Je.13-28:7.
- State College expects recommend fertilizers for soil division. Jan.17-30:?0.
Fertilizers and manures
- State fertilizer costs $54, 927.97. F.8-40:5. 40:3.
- Fertilizer orobe will onen today. F.12-4
Fertilizers and manures
- Fertilizer makers hear D.S.Coltrane. F.18-38:3.
- Exoerts speak on fertilizer in Oxford. Jl.23-38:12.
- Fertilizer state (ed.) Mar.4-39:4.
- Hayes recesses subpoena fight. F.21-40:5
- B-c> to court. F.27-40:2. 16.
- Tap; sales reduced 12 percent. Je.5-40:
Fertilizers and manures
- W.F. Marshall says fertilizer prices to< high. 0.1-30:4.
- Fertilizer cost get attention. D.28-34:1.
- Fertilizer prices (ed.) F.9-37:4. 20,
- Fertilizer bill reaches House. Mar.5-37;
- Tar Heel lead nation in use of fertilizers. Jan.31-36:9.
- One hundred millions (ed.) F.3-38:4.
Fertilizers and manures
- 5.
- Fertilizer law changes sought. Jan.28-4!
- Leaders favoe change in ferterlizer law; Patent issued for fertilizer. Jan.30-41:14
- Fertilizer firms Indicted on anti-trust charges. F.ll-41:1. 10.
- Fertilizer bill reduction seen. F.24-41:
- Indicted firms win court issue In Winston-Salem. Ap.10-41:12.
- Expert reviews fertilizer law. Ap.14-41{
- 11.
Fertilizers and manures
- Normal fertilizer supply indicated, expert states. B.3-41:16. 4:2 Fleas may Hasten anti-trust case. Mar.14
- Cases of anti-trust to "be started today. Mar.16-42:8. Mar.17-42:2.
- Fertilizer firms fined on price-fixing charge. Mar.25-42:1.
- Changes coming- in fertilizers. Jl. 5-42:7 Cummings gives fertilizer data at conference here. Mar.30-43:12.
Fertilizers and manures
- State agriculture bd. gets fertilizer question. Jan.3-46:3.
- Fertilizer sale regulation emended by state bd. Jan.4-46:5.
- Protect the farmer (ed.) Jan.5-46:4.
- Board of Agriculture selects wrong color Jan.11-46:10. 46:7.
- Change ordered in tags' colors. Jan.15-
Fertilizers and manures
- Board to begin fertilizer study. Mar. 7-14-7: g.
- Agriculture Board approves proposal tightening its control over fertilizer. Mar. 1J-47J 1,
- Fertilizer list has 25 grades. Jly. 2-4-7! 1.