N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 33 results.
- Offer fane tickets for mythical charity game between University and Duke. D.9-
- 30:1.
- Coach Flay Perdue fatally hurt when struck by game official. 0.31-31:1.
- Charity football game at Durham. D.6-31: 1.0.
- State stadium overflows with biggest
- crowd here. N.3-55:1.
- Kiwsniane given dope on football outlook. SeBt. 27047: 3.
- Carolina's grid showing Intensifies Bowl fever. Oct. 10-4g: 1.
- Snavely' s.boys deliver, and bowl fever Is high. ct. 24-4g: 1. Family grid bouts attradt 64,000 to "Hill" and Duke. Oct. 16-49: 1.
- thp5SHS!ro5Sp:LTSi-:61, Tenn
- esse
- Wake Forest beats Duke 27-7, Wake Forest gives coach lift two ways at Durham. Nov. 5-9: 1.
- State and Wake Forest fans didn't believe their eyes. Nov. lJ>-3' 1-
- Snavely and Tar Heels gave Irish real game. Nov. 13-9: 6:11.
- Powerful Notre Dame smothers Carolina, 42-6. Nov. 13-I4-9: l-11.
- UNC-Duke clashfe had everything. Nov. 20-M-9: 1.
- "Big Four" tjlays $1 million gate. Dec. 22-14-9: 1."
- Rugged Rice Gridders trim Carolina, 27-13, In Cotton Bowl. Jan. 3-50'. 11.
- Paint-punts- and Passes, and footbal 1 starts again. Sept. 24-50 1.
- Duke grid crowd sees one, hears one, cheers 'em all. 8 ct. I-50: 1.