N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 35 results.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- b. Tarrytown, N. Y. 1891 Newspaper work 1913 came to Washington, N.C. Editor of several N.C. papers 1933 started "The State" magazine Several books, all with N.C. characters & background Lives in Raleigh
- Picture Bk. of T. H. Authors, p.19 N.C. Authors, p.UU
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- Summer bachelors, fl.3-27:3 (Ed.sec.)
- Sees his million-dollar project for first ime. 0.2-27:5.
- When its oyster eating time. 0.30-27:8.
- Where are you from. 1.13-27:5.
- Life's darkest moment. N.20-27:10 X.
- Spit that out please. 1.27-27:3.
- December 2, a new date for history. D.' 4-27:7 0.
- You must take an inventory. Jan.8-28:6,
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- Tells of fun in running country newspaper.
- p.3, sect.l, Jan.23, 1927. Courtesy urged as good tiling. N.28-26: 3 sec.l
- Kenry has set new model pace. Jan.8-2ci 1 M.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- Socks, handkerchiefs and neckties. D. 11-27:3.
- Cook's tours, one rignt after another. Jan.22-28:5.
- Meanest man in the world. Jan.29-28i5.
- History, more or less. F.5-28:3.
- This inventive age. F.12-28:7 M.
- We married men gotta snick together. F. 13-28:4.
- Anti-tugging society. Ap.29-28:12. Answer to Anti-tuggins society by Ira L. Ellen. May 6-28:12.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- "Be sure your sins will find you out." Jl.24-27:3.
- Big preparations for legion meet. Ag.13 27:5.
- Inferiority complex. Je.10-28:8 X.
- Talking politics on Houston train. Je. 24-28:1.
- Everybody ready for Texas show. Je.24-28:1 M.
- Tar Heel delegates take Mississippi River cruise. Je.25-28:1.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- Conversation abounds in Houston. Je.26-28:1.
- Borglum may be real benefactor. J1.22-28:1 M.
- No escape from Al Smith talk. Ag.5-28: 1 M.
- Fine points and "thrills of hunting geese in Hyde county. N.11-28:9.
- I want to be a colonel. D.23-28:12.
- Taking advice. Jan.6-29:3.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- What's name please Jan.18-29:8.
- Algiost any ola thing may nappen in Kin-ston. Jam.20-29:1 M.
- There ought to be a law. F.10-29:10.
- There'8 no dial ax i a in Beaufort. F.S4-29:7 M.
- Flarer" dauarhter sells more coffee than dad. Mar.51-29:10.
- Burt James sante will not feature this show. Ap.7-29:1 M.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- Gardner's speech is constructive. Ap. 10-29:7.
- This is about Tony GJroutrikas. Ap.14-29:1 M.
- Shut your eyes! Now open 'em. Ap.21-29: 8.
- Howdy Sam! Howdy Carl! Sow that's Rotar] Ad.26-29:3.
- Not size and range "but purity ie goal to seek. Ap.28-29:1 M.
Goerch, Carl, 1891-
- Lying is an art and it reouires crac-tice. May 5-29:10 M.
- Here's a yarn for Horatio.' Anger. May 12-29:11.
- If your wife says so, then it must be true. May 19-29:3.
- How does third verse of "America" go, anyhow. May 26-29:1 M.
- Nothing buth the truth safe, but awful ly dull. J.e.2-29:1 M.