N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 37 results.
- Durham Rabbi swindled out of all his savings. F.26-28:6 X.
- Congregation condemns Rabbi who lost $5,000. F.27-28:1.
- N.C. Jews discuss Zionism. N.12-281, 7.
- Eroect many for Jewish meeting in Raleig S.20-30:3.
- Rothenberg and Daniels Jewish rally
- speakers. Se.21-30:8 X.
- Jewish men in state organize. Mar.3-30:10.
- Mrs. Emil Roeenthan re-elected presidsnl of the N.C. Council of Jewish women. Mar] 4-30:11.
- State association of Jewish women will meet at Wilmington. Ap.12-31:2.
- State association of Jewish women hear Rabbi Lazaron. Ap.4-32:5.
- Jewish women close sessions in Greensboro. Ap.25-33:3.
- N.C. Jewish women will meet next in is?h Point. May 7-35:10.
- Jewish women urge Tydings resolution. Mar.4-34:4.
- N.C.Association of Jewish women and men meet in Durham. Ap.30-34:5.
- Jacobs new head of B'Nai B'Hith. Mar.16-37:2.
- Jewish women name officers for state. Ap.18-37:5.
- N.CAssociation of Jewish women hold annual meeting in High Point. Mar.23-36:3.
- Jewish sessions convenes today. N.14-37: 3.
- Jews.
- Special prayers here for Jews. N.21-33:1
- Libraries list books on Jews. D.11-38:5.
- Harry Fleishman heads drive for Jews at Dunn. D.12-38:3.
- Church groups organize here, J.S.Correl] president. D.13-38:2.
- Jews are entertained by Kinston attorney D.14-38:2.
- JS.Ellisberg relief chairman. F.8-39:14
- 40:7. Reynolds called enemy of Jewry. Mar.4-Jerome Rosenthal heads federated Jewish
- charites to orovide aid for sufferers. Mar
- 15-40:3. 40:6 0.
- Local campaign to aid refugees. Mar.17-Plight of Jews Dr. Braunstein's topic.
- Mar.25-40:2.
- Jewish conferences hold annual gathering
- today. Ap.7-40:5. Ap.S-40:l.
- Jewish women hold session in Goldsboro.
- 0.29-40:3.
- Rabbi W. Mann moves to city. Se. 14-41:IS Daniels to speak to B'Nai B'Rlth. N.2S-
- 41:12. 41:14
- B'nal B'rlth names state officers. D.1-4 Jewish agencies to seek $5,000. F.8-42:7
- Mar.6-42:2. 42:10.
- Jews in Raleigh make donations. Mar.15-Institute of Judaism closes. May 3-42:
- 3 0.
- Persecution gee at annuo1 tisn Alliance 3-42:10.
- Temple Beth
- of Jews meeting o of America
- described by refu-f the Hebrew Chris-in Asheville. Ag.
- Oi
- Goldberg heads Jewish appeal. F
- 16-43 Dr. Marks is speaker
- ly here. Mar.3-43:3.
- Compassion Day to be 10.
- gets new Rabbi. Se.6-42:6 local campaign for Unitec
- 5.
- at Jewish fund ral-
- observed. May 1-43:
- Rabbi Sitin makes appeal for aid to Jews at once. Kay 3-43:7.
- B'Nal B'rith to hold meeting in Ashevlll Asheville lodge donates furnishings for rooms at Moore General hospital. May 30-
- 43:4.
- Arthur A.Aronson, Raleigh, elected head
- of B'Npi B'Rith. 0.25-43:10. j
- Lionel L.Weil, Goldsboro, appointed chfi man of the Nation?! Jewish Welfare bd. N.5. 43:15.