N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-8 of 8 results.
Joyner, Dr. James Yadkin
- Tells of Caswell's part in the making of state history. May 15-31:20.
- Speaks to graduates of East Carolina Training College. Je.3-31:3.
- predicts double jubilee if Fountain is nominated. Je. 28-32:14.
- Ehringhaus man attacks Joyner. Je.29-32:2.
- Answers M'Lendon attack. Je.30-32:13.
Joyner, Dr. James Yadkin
- U.S. Commissioners of education priases Joyner1s career. May 1-42:18.
- Declares issue is settled. Jl. 3-36: 2. Celebrates his 82nd birthday. Ag.8-44:S.
Joyner, Dr. James Yadkin
- Committees named for 5th birthday event at La Grange, August 7. Jly. 28-7! 3.
- Joyner honored by school Board. Aug. I-I47: 20.
- La Grange to honor Dr. Joyner.
- Aug. 7-7: 1.
- Tribute -nald to Joyner In -nrogram at La Grange. Aug. B-kJ'- 1.
- A letter to the governor. Je. l-95.