N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
Lions Club - Kinston
- Officials Installed by Lions at Kinston. Jly. 1-17: 6.
- Kinston Lions Blub hears district Head. Oct. 27-7: 8,
- Charter night program held by Kinston Lions. Anr. 19-W 3.
- Kinston Lions set bread sale record. Je. 13-W 3.
- Kinston Lions hold Founders Day event. Jan. 16-49: 3.
Lions Club - Kinston
- Eilbpns sell bread for aid to blind. May 29-9! 2.
- Lions Club official inducts Kinaton body. Jly. 3-9: 3.
- Officers nominated. May 15-50: 5.
- Installation held by I'-ins ton. Lions. Jly. 15-51: S-11.
- New officers named ly Lions in Kinston. Oct. 3-51: 22.