N&O Index Card Listings
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M'Lean bill
- Fail to get governor to commit himself on eta+ e school Question. F.21-31:1.
- Sub finance committee adopts plans providing.f9,500,000 for schools, luxury sales tax and Brummitt nlan. F.-25-31:1.
- School measure nappes house by vote of 85-18. Mar.3-31:1.
- Sen. Bernard introduces bill to repeal B'Lean measure. Mar.11-31:1.
M'Lean bill
- New bill launch in senate that would scrap M'Lean bill. Mar.17-31:1.
- School officials may take stand on pending school legislation in meeting at Greensboro today. Mar.23-31:1> 24-31: 1.
- Call meetings for M'Lean bill. Mar.27-31:1.
- Savings under MacLean act. Ap.1-31:13.
M'Lean bill
- Favorable report from committee on state supported schools. Jan.23-31:1.
- School bill not without danger to better schools. Jan.35-31:1.
- Hotly debated in House. Jan.27-31:1.
- Pafpef House. Jan.58-31:1.
- Senate debates school bill -for to sessions without reaching vote. Jan.p9-31:1
- Parses senate. Jan.30-31:1.
- Seek action on school hi_1-l before votin on highway measuafc. F.20-31:1.
- 3UJ
M'Lean bill
- List of senators who voted for bill, (ed.) Ap.8-31:4.
- Biblical Recorder says "Unless the M1 Lean law stand there will be panic in all except power companies and manufacturers of tobacco in N.O. Ap.13-31:4.
- Johnston county asks Fountain to stand firm for M'Lean law. Ap.15-31:11.
- R.D. Johnson issued statement showing conroarative tax rates between M'Lean bill
- and equalization- AP-15-31:2.
M'Lean bill
- House firm for M'Lean law. Ap.16-31:1.
- How legislators voted on M'Lean act. May 11-31:1.
- W.R. Martin defends foes of M'Lean act. May 17-31:4 M.
- M'Lean la''' post in fact if retained "In prinicple." May 24-31:1.