N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 39 results.
- Hiram Lodge is officially opened after fifty years. Jan.16-17:10.
- Old masonic documents given to public
- again. N&O Jan. 22-22: 8.
- Large gathering of Masons held at Enfield. Ap. 19-27: 5.
- Additions made to the Masonic Loan fund. Oct. 26-27: 3.
- Masonic rally gets tinder way. May 11-27 12.
- Scottish rite holds its spring reunion in Raleigh. May 12-27:13.
- Masonic bodies select Durham as next convention city. May 12-27:2.
- Hiram no.98 will celebrate 100th birthday. D.12-27:2.
- N.C. Grand Loage to meet tonignt. Jan. 17-26:10.
- New and imposing masonic temple now a certainty. Jan.lS-2-6:1.
- Masons to honor new state head. F.3-2S: 12.
- Dr. Caviness made master of masons. F.10-28:12.
- Spring reunion of Scottish rite. F.12-
- 28:11.
- Twenty men take masonic degrees. F.23-28:14.
- Masons nonor Raymond Dunn. P.26-28:8 0.
- Mason meet on Temole plans. Mar.4-28:91 M.
- Masonic Temole meeting tonight. Mar. 23-23:10.
- Raleigh masons vote for Temule. Mar.24-28:1.
- York rite masons elect officers. May 1C 28:12.
- New Bern lodge protects relics. May 13-28:1 M.
- Masonic Grand lodge in N.C. is over 140 years old. Je.7-28:9 0.
- John H Anderson new Grand secretary; New Masonic temple deal off until next meeting of Grand Lodge. Ag.7-28:1.
- Masonry saved yankee soldier. Se.9-28: 6 X.
- Dunn launches Masonic drive. Se.30-28: 2.
- Stage district meeting in Louisburg. 0. 21-28:3 M.
- Grand lodge will meet Tuesday in Raleigl Jan. 13-79:2.'; Jan.16-29:1.
- Masons of state decide to stay in Capital City. Jan.17-29:1.
- Buffalo Lodge will honor Redin Bryafc. F. 8-29:13.
- Masons.
- Scottisn rite reunion today. F.12-29:2.
- Winston urges placing statue on cacitol square. Bar.3-29:3.
- Masons meet in Halifax. Se.5-29:5.
- Master mason's decree is given. Se.?7-29:5.
- Confer degrees upon 12 masons. N.14-39:1?.
- William Gr. Hill lodge is 35 veers old. D.8-29:3;D.10-29:8.
- State masons meet in Raleigh tonight. Jan.21-30:2.
- State asked to support all no masonic orphans. Jan.24-30:1.
- York rite "bodies hold meeting in Concord. May 14-30:5.
- William 0. Hill lods;e will celebrate chater night. D.4-30:10. D.9-30:9.
- Portrait of Col. Jessie Johnson Baker presented to Wavne Lode of masons. Jan. 8-31:9.
- Grand Lodge meets in Raleigh. Jan.21-3l:1.
- Meet in Charlotte next. Jan.32-31:1.
- Percy Stott, blind masonic official, has interesting- history. Jan.25-31:6 X.
- Herbert C.Alexander heads Masons. Jan. 21-3?:?.
- Hiram Lodge observes Washington Bi-cen-
- tennial. F.16-32:7.
- 9.
- Masons observe St. John's day. Je. 25-32:
- Walter L. Stockwell warns Masons of grave crisis. Nov. 29-32: 5.
- Peter Wilson helds Masons. Ap. 20-33: 5.
- Maj Gen. Fries speaks at masonic meeting. Ap. 25-33: 3.