N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 11 results.
Mayflower Cup Award
- 1931 MC.S. Noble - A History of the Public Schools of North Carolina.
- 1932 - Archibald Henderson - Bernard Shaw, Playboy and PropJaet.
- 1933 - Rupert B. Vance - Human Geography, of the South.
- 9314- - Erich W. Zimmerroann - World Resources and Industries.
- 1935 - James Boyd - Roll River.
Mayflower Cup Award
- 1936 - Mitchell B. Garrett - Estates General of 179.
- 1937 - Richard H. Shryock - The Development of Modern Medicine.
- 193 - Jonathan Daniels - A Southerner Discovers the South.
- 1939 - Bernice Kelly Harris -Purslane
- 19J+O - David L. Cohn - The Good Old Days.
- lQlU - Wilbur J. Cash - The Mind of thi South.
Mayflower Cup Award
- 1942 - Elbert Russell - History of Quakerism.
- 1943 - J Saunders Redding - No Day of Triumph.
- 1944 - Adelaide L. Fries - The Road to Salem.
- 1945 - Josephus Daniels - The Wilson Era, Years of Peace, 1910-1917.
Mayflower Cup Award
- 196 - Josephlna NlgGil - Mexican Village.
- 197 - Robert E. Coker - This Great anc Wide Sea.
- 194-g - Charles S, Sydnor - The Development of Southern Sectionalism, Igl9-lg4g.
- 1949 - Phillips Russell - The Woman Who Rang the Bell.
- 1950 - Max Steele - Debby.
Mayflower Cup Award
- The Mayflower Cup for the best volume of non-fiction was won by Dr. Archibald Henderson for his book, "George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century". H & Q, Dec-7-1957, 1:1
Mayflower Cup Award
- Ernest Frankel wins Mayflower Cup Award for his "Bond of Brother." N&O, Dec-5-59, 11
- Mayflower Cup . . . went to Dr. Richard Bardolph . . . for his work, "The Negro Vanguard." Dec- -60, 1:1
Mayflower Cup Award
- Glen Tucker received the Mayflower Society Award for non-fiction for his Zeb Vance. IN&O, Dec->66, 1:8.