N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 160 results.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Dream of Baptists of North Carolina for a bigger and better Meredith College rapidly materializing will be one of most modern College plants in the south, N&O May 24,1925. p.12.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Meredith College.
- Meredith club gives program.
- p.8, sect.3, Dec.5, 1926.
- Meredith scare reports prove to be groundless. D. 17-26:1.
- Meredith student new deputy sheriff. D-10-26:?.
- Baptist editor approves story. D.18-23: 1.
- To present air program. Jan.27-27:16.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Enlarge and endow.
- p.4, Dec.18, 1926.
- Miss gertruade Sousley, member of faculty passess away. Ag.2-27:16.
- Formal opening today. S.9-27:18.
- Enrolls 516 students this year. S.20-27:3.
- J.M.Broushton speaks at Founders Day. F.3-28:7.
- Daniel Allen offers to Improve College grounds- F.8- 28:2.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Meredith bodies are 28 years old. May 22-27:7 (Sport)
- Dr. E.M.Poteat sueaks to senior class. May 23-27:7.
- Has its class exercises. May 24-27:8.
- Dr. Bernard C.Clausen urges graduates to master anger. May 25-27:1.
- Lead? College workers in campaign-funds.
- Mar.4-28:2.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Dr. Howard Odum addresses Meredith group. Jan. 25-4-7! 10.
- Meredith Board increases fees. Feb. 19-14-7: g.
- Meredith College wtudente and Faculty hold religious emphasis week. Mar. 4-7: 5.
- Meredith audience hears Carl Sandburg. Mar. 11-47: 10.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Jones building at New Meredith. 0.16-27:9 M.
- Meredith student wins art prize. 0.26-27:18.
- Install officers Meredith B.S.U. Ap.23-28:11.
- Twelve Raleigh Girls in this years class May 27-28:7 X.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Founders' Day exercise today.
- p.12, Feb.3, 1927.
- Bailey speaks to Mereaith Girls. F.4-27:7.
- Series of services at MerEdith. F.10-23 13.
- Dr. H.H.Powers to lecture. F.18-27:16.
- Loses Dr. Dingley Brown. Ag.22-28:2.
- Association of American Universities place Meredith on approved list. N.24-28
- 12.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Dr. Vann speaics at Founders Day. F.16-29:5.
- Pierre de Lanus spoke on ways of outlawing war. Kar.l&29:14.
- Heck memorial given to Merfedith. May 27-?9:2.
- Dr. E.M.Poteat sr-eakP at Founders day. f. 1-30:2.
Meredith College - Raleigh
- Dr. W.L.Poteat speaker at anniversary. F.4-33:12.
- Meredith named in $31,000 suit. Jl. 15-34:10 0.
- Or. Bessie Lane named as College physician to succeed Dr. Carroll. Aug. 2-34:14.
- Miss Silrver sues Mereaith. Ag.14-34:5.