N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-8 of 8 results.
Meteorological stations
- Tar Heel weather observers contribute much to economy. N&O, Aug-10-58, I 16:3
Meteorological stations
- U.S. weather bureau at the Raleigh-Durham airport to add two new meteorologists. N&O, Sept-21-1959, 19:6
Meteorological stations
- Raleigh bureau will become weather center of Carolinas. N&O, Aug-3-1960, 22:1
- it
Meteorological stations
- 24-hour-a-day basis sought for 7/ilmington Weather Station, NiO, May-25-59, 1:4
Meteorological stations
- VJeather Bureau building at Raleigh-Durham Airport to be enlarged. N&O, May-8-68, 23:5.
Meteorological stations
- Charles B. Carney retires from Raleigh's U. S. Weather Bureau station. N&O, Aug-22-68, 23:2.
Meteorological stations
- Raleigh-Durham weather bureau can detect rain drop, hurricane. N&O, Aug-28-68, 26:1.
Meteorological stations
- U. S. Weather Bureau at Raleigh-Durham Airport tries to unclog crowded telephone service. N&O, Mar-16-70, 28:2.