N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 39 results.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- H.C. eastern conference meets on Nov. 10 p.9, N.l, 1926.
- North Carolina conference meets in Durham. Nov. 7-26: 7 sect. 2.
- Schools are to be beneficiaries. Nov.8-26: 4.
- Methodists open annual session. Nov.11-26: 1.
- Greenhill house to be purchased. Nov.12-26: 16.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Conference will meet in Raleigh.
- p.l, sect.l, Nov.14, 1926.
- Preachers given assignments for the ensuing year. Nov. 16-26: 1.
- Urges Industrial leaders of south to help workers. Mar. 28-27: 1.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Bishop heard by great audience.
- p.l, Nov.15, 1926.
- Circles o Edenton St. church, Raleigh honor Mrs. I.M.Proctor. Jan.18-28:3.
- Woman's missionary society held an executive meeting in Wilmington today. Jan. 28+28:2.
- Church leaders to gather here for Training school to be held at Edenton ST. churc
- F.19-28:? M.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Bishops start era erf economy.
- p.8, Nov.9, IS? 6.
- Methodist plan mission council. D.ll-
- 27:2.
- Auxiliary of Edenton St. church has har-
- vest day. D.15-27:2.
- Decide to begin missions drive. Jan.4-
- 28:2.
- Method! St churches in Raleigh t o get
- cottages at Lake Junaluska. Jan. 13-28:18.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Several changes likely in Methodist ministers. 0.27-27:1.
- Hold annual conference in Raleigh this week; Methodist to "be entertained. N. 5-27:7 M.
- Cigarettes and "wet" candidates for president by G.W. Tillett. N.10-27:4.
- Pastors receive anrointments and conference adjourns. N.14-27:1.
- Methodist rap wet candidates. N.23-7:
- 3.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Woman's missionary society of the N.C. conference in annual meeting at Sanford. Ap.20-27:2; Mrs. Gates named president. Ap.21-27:2; Wilmington gets next conference. Ap.22-27:3.
- Woman's missionary society of the Western conference to close session today. Ap.29-27:11.
- Methodist district meeting held in R Raleigh ends. Ap.23-2 7:7.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Methodist Epsicopal church.
- Woman's missionary society of the N.C. Metnodist conference in session at Willing ton. Ap.18-28:14.
- Raleigh district meeting of the Woman's missionary society meets here. May 18-
- 28:8.
- Washington district of the Woman's missionary society meets at Wilson. Je.2-28: 2.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Bishop opposes wet candidates, p.l, Nov.13, 1926.
- North Wilksboro district conference opposes changes in Volstead act. Jl.13-28: 3.
- S.S. workers for prohibition. Jl.15-28: 10.
- Mark "beginning of Methodism. Jl.22-28: 6 M.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Western N.C. conference neete in Charlotte this week. 0.21-28:6 M.
- N.C. conference meets in Wilson. 0.31-28:3.
- Five young men ordained as pastors at conference. >I.'5->28t13.
- S.S. conference orene Pt Smithfield. Ap.3-29:?.
- Missionary society meets at New Bern. Ap.10-29:8.
Methodist Episcopal Church
- Woman's Missionary society of the Western conference meets in Winston-Salem. AP.19-29:11.
- Western conference meets in High Point. 0.24-29:1.
- N.C. Conference meet in Kinston. 0-30-39:1. te South
- Fourth annual Missionary conference of starts in Raleigh. fi.10-29:5.