N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 149 results.
- State milk men get $20,000,000. Mar.15-30:12.
- Smith oulntet credits their record to milk. N.12-33:7. 10.
- Milk ordances altered in Wake. D.12-39:
- Wake Health Board orders milk grade labeling again. Apr. 15-4-7: 1. Local unit cited for milk action.
- Apr. 16-7: 7.
- Solicitors to get SBI's secret report on milk prices. Apr. 17-4-75 13.
- Bickett to study SBI milk report. Aor. 24-4-7: 20.
- Public hearings scheduled on new milk regulations. Apr. 26-47 !
- Solicitors, Attorney General dron milk price Probe. Apr. 26-7: 10.
- Milk hearing: set today! consumers are lnvifed. ArT 2&k-Ji 12.
- Don't kid public on milk, Durham distributor urges. Atp. 29-7s 1.
- Stage set here for milk grade. Apr. 3O-IJ-7: 22.
- Two Wake dairies cut milk price two cents per quart. May 3-7: 1.
- Western milk producers back regulations Plans. May 7-7: 2.
- Health officer explains labels. May g-lJ-7: 3.
- Grade B Milk reqa ested for Dairymen in State. May g-47. 14.
- Health exams of Milk men declared of little value. May 9-47: 6.
- Millning place of cows enters talk at Hearing. Hay 13-47: 5.
- Curb market milk sales enter talk at Greenville meet. May 14-47: 16.
- Whole milk use4 pro-rosed in making chocolate milk. May 21-47: 1.
- Agriculture Board adopts minimum milk regulations. May 30-47: i Milk commission takes oath. Aug, 10-47!1 New milk rules effective Sept. I.
- Aup. 31-47 9 Price hike by five local Dairies laid to higher feed, labor costs, Oct. 2-47 1.
- Control of milk for protection occupies attention of Public Health body. Nov. 5-7: 2.
- Dairy division reports milk quality improving. Nov. 5 7: 8.
- State milk rule changes are unopposed. Jan. 9-lJ-g: 22.
- New mile ordinance adopted in Columbus county. Mar. 2-4g: 11.
- Wayne milk Issue aired. Je. 5-te>: 12.
- Milk container ouesttopn referred to Dairy group. Jly/ lU-U: 1.
- Sale of milk in paper containers consider ed by Association. Jly. 16-g: 12.
- Agriculture Board rejects 10-ounce milk container proposal. Jly. 27-s! 8.
- Guilford dairies hike milk prices. Aug. 6-lJ-g: 10.
- New Increase predicted in retail milk price. Aug. 10-lfg: Ik,
- Wallace stresses milk industry. Aug. 30-lJ-g: 11.
- N.C. plans test of milk ruling. Nov. 19-W 1.
- Coltrane outlines milk problem. Nov. 20-lJ-g! IK
- "watered" milk inquiry extended. Dec. 19-lW: 5.
- State milk study group divided 12- In report. Deo. 21-48 1.
- Agriculture Head believes State milk quality better. Dec. 22-gt 1.
- Milk Imports on increase as #5,500,000 total hit. Mar. 9-at l.
- Milk imports drop sharply. May 20-49' 1.
- Ballentlne hears dispute on milk, Jly. 7-9: 7.
- Dairymen seek milk classification.
- Jly. g-4-9 ' 17.
- Milk case ruling delayed. Jly. 14-14-9: 2k, Milk classification plan is made.
- Jly. 17-A9: 3-11.
- Shelby milk plan okayed. Jly. 21-9:6. State imports milk again. Oct. 27-951, Milk production in 3tate now equal to
- N.C. demand. Je. 23-50: 1.