N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 15 results.
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- N. C. churches give Negroes helping hand. N&O, Jul-21-68, III 1:4.
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- New moderator predicts Presbyterian Assembly will reject racial items. N&O, Apr-26-58, 1:4
- Issue of racial segregation before Presbyterians today. Apr-28-58, 1:1
- Presbyterian racial matters face Assembly action today. Apr-29-58, 1:6, 5:4
- Presbyterians back liberal racial policy. Apr-30-58, 1:1
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Holly Springs Negro joins white church in Chapel Hill. N&O, Apr-29-59, 23:1
- Methodist Church recommends separation policy should continue. N&O, Jun-14-59, I 18:3
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Episcopal bishop of Louisiana criticizes Rev.
- J.P. Dees, N.C. priest, for planned speech. Sept-
- 10-59, 7:2
- No iron collar, (ed) Sept-11-59, 4:1 Episcopalians throughout county are expected
- to gather for purpose of organizing within church a
- society concerned with interracial relations. Dec-
- 27-59, III 12:5
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Episcopal leaders open race relation meeting. N&O, Dec-29-59, 2:2
- Church's racial practices scored by Harvard man at Episcopal meeting. Dec-30-59, 20:1
- Episcopalians form racial unity society. Dec-31-59, 18:1
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Rev lii McCorkle, moderator Gen Assembly, Presby Ch in the US: Presby Ch in S failed to take gospel to Negro minority, N&O, Nov-6-63, 7:4
- Bapt State Conv, plea fur racial brotherhood, Nov-12-63, 1:5
- Sen Ervin, D-NC, attacked on stand taken in US Sen at Meth Ch Convocation, Greensboro, Nov-17-63, I 10:6
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- NC conf human relation rally, integration of Gen Conf discussed eliminating Central (Negro) Jurisdiction by 1968, illus, N&O, Jan-17-64, 17:1
- Episc Diocese of E Carolina, bish apptd com to study racial problems, Jan-23-64> 8:6
- United Ch Women, dept of NC Council of Chs, adopts resolution, Jan-30-64, 22: j
- Episc Diocese of NC Delays integration action, Jan-30-64, 41:1
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Mild racial resolution adopted by Natl Luth Council, N&O, Feb-5-64, 3:4, stronger civil rights resolution adopted, Feb-7, 29:3
- 2 Bapt mins views on demonstrations, Feb-29-64, 3:7
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Boubing halts Easter services. N&O. Apr-11-66, 1:1.
Negroes - Civil rights - Churches [African-Americans]
- Interracial ministry planned in Conf rence at Southeastern Baptist L'heologicaJ Seminary, Wake Forest. N&O, June-3-66, 26:3.