N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 24 results.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- Valuable works.-.- given to state. N.5-28:13.
- Art society to meet Thursday. N.30-?6; 11.
- Will ask state for art museum. N.23-28i 1.
- Secures painting for art"museum. D.2-28:4 0.
- State society may get "Looking West" Jan.4-?Q:12
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- Na.ne directors for society. May 2-29:8.
- Robert E. Phifer leaves money to establish Phifer Memorial Art Museum. Ag.30-29:9; Ag.31-29:6.
- Pictures and bronze? will be displayed in third annual art exhibit Monday. D.8-29:6.
- Phifer collection is beginning art museum. D.8-29:11.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- Ftiilio L. Hale, speak8 tonight at annual meeting. D.9-r9:S; D.10-23:1.
- Elect officers. D.14-30:4 M.
- Meeta tonight. D.2-31:e. D.3-31:1.
- Meets today. N.30-32:10.
- Tar Heel artists' -work to feature annua] show. D. 3-3:7.
- Meets in Raleigh. D.6-33:1.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- Meet in Raleigh; museum of art at University. D. 4-34:1. 4 Art society head names committees. N.26' 35:8.
- Hundreds watch Branda Putnam at Art opening. D.5-35:1.
- Would take art news away from society page. D.6-35:17.
- Phlfer hearing slated in N.Y.May 8-36:9,
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- 12. To put on drive for art society. 0.25-36 Art body opens sessions today. D.8-36:8, Mrs. Arrington art president. D.16-36:5, Lahey to speak to Art society. N.29-37:2 Art and Raleigh by Isabell B.Henderson.
- House for home (ed.) D.2-37:4. Names directors board. D.4-37:2.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- Mrs. Arrington re-el ected president.
- Jan.21-38:16.
- "Week of prts" open in city. D. 1-38:1.
- State aid asked for art museum. D.2-38:
- 20. 10.
- Wolfe portrait draws interest. Mar. 28-3$
- State get permanent art gallery. Mar.29-
- 39:12.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- T
- Gov. Hoey aoooints three to Art Socifety board. N.1-39:3.
- Begins sessions. D.7-39:1. 39:1.
- May lose portion of Phlfer bequest. D.11
- Compromise. Jan.l3-40:2.
- Voss paintings go on display. D.4-40:16,
- Mrs. Arrington is drafted again to head Art Society. D.6-40:22.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- 1.
- Benton to speak in city tonight. D, 3-41 Benton attacks copied culture at meeting
- of Art Society here. D.4-41:1. 1. State art group opens meet here. D.2-42: Presented gift by Josephus Daniels. D.3-
- 42:2.
- Art Society heed names boards. D.16-42:7
- Selects executive secretary. Mar.26-43:6 State art gallery plan launched at Meeting here. Je.16-43:12.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- William F.Davidson to talk at art meeting. N.21-43:6.
- Gov. Broughton appointes new members to the Board of Directors. N.25-43:2.
- Davidson speaks to Art Society. D.2-43:2
- President selects commlttes. D.8-43:3.
- Meets here. D.7-44:13., 14.
- Observes 18th anniversary. D.10-44:7 X.
- Resigns art pociety position. Ag.4-45:1C
- Survey of American at given in talk at meeting here D. 13-45:5.
North Carolina Art Society, Incorporated
- 10. Awards offered by art society. D.16-45: Colleges sponsor art exhibit. Apr. 28-
- 46s 10. Record attendance reported by Art
- Gallery. Jfc.5-7: 18.
- Mrs. Arrington again elected to head N.C. Art Society. Dec. 3-g: g.
- Purchase award winners in Art Socity competition. Hay 24-51: 15.