N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 28 results.
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Members of N.C. Student Legislature aoprove inter-racial marriages. N&O, Nov-9-1957, 1:7
- Congressman Cooley rapped mock Assemblys resolution relating to inter-racial marriages and prostitution. Students clarify their resolutions. Nov-lC-1957, I 1:3
- UNC student leaders criticize the press reports on marriage and prostitution resolutions. Nov-13-1951, 2:1
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Governor Hodges says student legislators were "somewhat immature." N&O, Nov-14-1957, 32:2
- President of group called Gov. Hodges' criticism unjust. Nov-15-1957, 34:1
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Student Assembly must secure college President's
- sponsorship. N&O, Oct-21-58, 1:6
- Students fall short of goal. Dec-5-58, 5:2 Student Assembly given okay for Capitol meeting.
- Dec-10-58, 1:2
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Restrictions tightened on student legislature. N&O, Dec-31-59, 18:1
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Student Assembly to meet here. N&O, Mar-9-60, 11:6
- College youngsters 'legislate' with one eye on state nabobs. Mar-18-60, 36:2
- N. C. Student Assembly hears author's views on race issue. Mar-20-60, I 12:3
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Student "lav/making" is serious business. N&O, Dec-9-60, 40:4
- Race issue is debated by student. Dec-10-60, 18:2
- Anti-segregation bill killed by student legislators. Dec-11-60, I 20:6
North Carolina Student Legislature
- Meeting, denied use State Legis Bldg, N&O, Feb-27-64, 6:75 resolution: repeal of. "Gag Law", illus, Feb-28, 38:3, Sen E.alph Scott s against law, Feb-29, 18:6
North Carolina Student Legislature
- North Carolina Student Legislature
- Moore backs decision to bar student group. N&O, Feb-17-66, 22:2.