N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 28 results.
Parent-Teachers Association
- DelegEtes leave for P.T.A. meet.
- P 10, Nov8, 1926.
- Sees New York for P.T. groups. Je.27-
- 27:12.
- To open in Char lott e Nov.8. 0.30-27:8.
- P.T.A. district meeting in Raleigh Tues-
- day. $.31-27:2.
- Mrs. Swift says she is not atheist. N.
- 8-27:1.
- To meet in Rale 1 Lgh next year. N.11-27:3 >
Parent-Teachers Association
- Ready to receive P-rT. convention, p.2, Nov.9, 1986.
- Interesting program arranged for state Parent-Teacners' convention in Raleigh. N. 4-28:5.
- Raleigh host this week. N.11-28:3 0.
- Congress opens in Raleigh this morning. N.13-28:12.
- Met;-" next in Hendersonville. N.13-28:1
- Mrs Raymond Binford chosen pres. in Mrs. Castiebury' place. Mar. 27-29: 2
Parent-Teachers Association
- Name delegates to P.T.A. meeting.
- p.2>l, Nov.4, 1926. P.T. congress gets under way. N. 10-2,6+ 2.
- Meets next in Charlotte. N.12-26:3. Annual renort. N.17-23:?. Mr. House addresses Parent Teachers Institute at Chanel "ill. Ag.22-30:5. To-meet in High Point. S.9-30:1 X.
- Southeastern district meeting held at Wallace. 0.5-31:2.
Parent-Teachers Association
- P.T. congress says N.C. Legion charges are false. p.l, Dec.8, 1936.
- Parent Teachers institute in Chapel Hil] Ag.6-23:7.
- P.T. consrrese meets in Hendersonville. H.13-29:12.
Parent-Teachers Association
- Symposium held at PTA meeting at Pine-hurst. 0.29-42:3. 10. PTA units given project for war. N.27-42 C.W. Phillips is named president of state PTA at Charlotte meeting. Ap.15-43:2 PTA committees named for year. Ap.25-43: 6. 43:14. Raleigh Council elects officers. May 6-PTA school held at United church. Se.ll-43:5.
Parent-Teachers Association
- Parents and teacners in new cooperation,
- Ap.29-28:5 0.
- Local parent-teachers group works out efficient scheme. Ap. 14-29: 7.
Parent-Teachers Association
- Meets in Wilmington. N.6-31:3.
- F.-T. managers praise press. F.7-32:5.
- Institute opens in Chapel Hill. Ag.15-33:5.
- f.T.A. institute is held in city. S.28-33:3.
- Parent Teacher conference held in Ra-; leigh. 0.19-33:3.
- To open Atr. 13 in Durham. Ap.8-34:1 M. AP. 17-34:3
Parent-Teachers Association
- N.C. Congress repeats demand for $3200 000 for schools. Ap.17-35:1.
- Raleigh Council elects Mrs. Self again. May 17-35:5.
- SuDplements are urged at meet in Chapel Hill. Se.3-35:3.
- Interest grows in PTA affairs. 0.6-35:3
- Raleigh and Wake County parent Teachers to hold school. 0.29-35:14.
- #
Parent-Teachers Association
- This districkt to be well represented at State P.T. congress in Charlotte. Ap.19-36:1 X.
- Raleigh committee drafts proposals on school policy. May 8-36:9.
- Council asks to review school budgets of city. May 13-36:5.
- Ninth meeting at Chapel Hill. Ag.6-36:11.
- Mrs. Walker again PTA head. 0.11-36:2.