N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 1-5 of 5 results.
Patton, Clyde P.
  • Wildlife director is fired. N&O, Sept-14-76, 1:4
  • Editorial: Clyde Patton a stubborn wildlife pro. N&O, Sept-15-76, 4:1
  • Stern leader. N&O, Sept-19-76, II 12:1
Patton, Clyde P.
  • Dismissed creates more fallout. N&O, Oct-3-76, II 10:1
Patton, Clyde P.
  • Tar Heel of the Week. N&O, Jan-9-55, III 3:1
Patton, Clyde P.
  • New president of the International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners, N&O, Sept-16-1959, 3:6
Patton, Clyde P.
  • Move to oust Patton from Wildlife Resources Commission fails. N&O, Apr-3-62, 1:2