N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
Payne, William
  • Kldnaos youngsters and flees from Ashe-ville. Ag.28-37:1.
  • G._men enter Payne chase afffcjer second kidnapping. Ag.29-37:1.
  • Reported seen near here. 3.2-37:1.
  • Three are Jailed for aiding Payne. S.8-
  • 37 2.
  • Renew search for Payne after robbery at
  • Candor. S.29-37:l.
  • Taken in Sanford by G_men. Jan.4-38:1.
Payne, William
  • Payne and Turner confess series of ban! robberies. Jan.5-38:1.
  • Mother writes hdr bandit son. Jan.9-38:!
  • Lawyers named for desperadoes, Payne an
  • Kidnapped youth thinks Payne "nice guyr. Ap.15-38:1.
  • Delegation asks mercy for Payne. Je.28-
  • 38:1.