N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 1-6 of 6 results.
Pelley, William Dudley
  • Arrested in Tar Heel case after testimony. F.11-40:1.
  • Is freed ending hearing. F.13-40:1. Return sought of W.D. Pelley. F.'5S-40:5. Six subooenaed in Pelley case. Mar.23-
  • Subpoena Judge In Pelley case. Mar.24-4C Pelley lawyers get hot reolles. Mar.27-40:11.
  • Pelley pictured as "white king". Ap.3-%C
Pelley, William Dudley
  • Hearing Slated Jan.19. D.18-41:18. Appears for his hearing. Jan.20-42:9. Ordered to serve term. Jan.21-42:1. Hlgh court get Pelley's appeal. F.4-42:2 Pelley counsel asks more time. ar.14-42 2. 42:15.
  • Tribunal denies Pelley petition. Mar.18-Pelley-the-poinoner by N.B.Lewis. Mar.22
  • 42:o M,
Pelley, William Dudley
  • Congressmen called to Pelley hearing. Ap.5-40:2. 1.
  • Pelley refuses decision review. 0.14-41:
  • Will return to Asheville today. 0.24-41: 9.
  • Is jailed after surrender. 0.25-41:10.
  • Pelley released under big bond. 0.23-41 p 'Designed for people (ed.) 0.30-41:4.
Pelley, William Dudley
  • Pelley t>uolication suspended in Indiana. Ap.l-42:tf.
  • Arrested 1'or aiding' enemy. Ap.o-42:2.
  • Post bond and gets freedom. Ap.13-42:10.
  • Appeals to high tribunal. May 3-42:4 0.
  • Battleing to avoid prison, i-iay 16-42:12 Attempts to stay decision. May 20-42:13
  • Pelley's appeal argued in court. May 22-42:2.
  • To serve orison sentence, e.25-42:1.
Pelley, William Dudley
  • 4 0 Rehearing asked in Pelley case. Jl.26-42 Evidence added against Pelley. Jl.31-42:
  • 17.
  • Draws 15 years. Ag.13-42:1. May serve sentence in N.C. Ag.14-42:5. Pelley sureties to make appeal. F.7-43:6 Pelley bond plea denied by Clement. Ap.
  • 14-43:3. Ap.21-43:14.
Pelley, William Dudley
  • State to seek Jail term for William Dudley Pelley. Feb. 7-50: 1.