N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 1-10 of 18 results.
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Auditors probe judge's actions. N&O, Sept-30-77, 36:4
  • Judge delayed trials 'indefinitely'. N&O, Oct-1-77, 1:1
  • SBI probes delay of trials. N&O, Oct-13-77, 41:4
  • Judge's actions aided businessmen. N&O, Oct-17-77, 29:5
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Judge disposed of cases outside court, files show. N&O, Oct-30-77, I 1:5
  • Most 'inactive' file defendants pleaded guilty. N&O, Oct-30-77, I 4:6
  • Editorial: Cloud over the court system. N&O, Nov-1-77, 4:1
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Prosecutor gets report on judge. N&O, Jun-3-78, 1:6
  • May face indictment. N&O, Jan-9-78, 34:5
  • Judge resigns to run for top court. Picture. N&O, Jan-17-78, 17:2
  • Prosecutor sees no basis for indictment of Peoples. N&O, Jan-18-78, 7.3:6
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Editorial: Who judges Judge Peoples? N&O, Jan-19-78, 4:1
  • Prosecutor's intent in judge case unclear to state. N&O, Jan-19-78, 35:2
  • Resignation of Peoples is accepted. N&O, Jan-77-78, 33:7
  • Editorial: The Peoples choice narrows a bit. N&O, Feb-3-78, 4:1
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Attorney still undecided on prosecuting Peoples. N&O, Feb-11-78, 19:4
  • Editorial: Truth will out in Peoples case. N&O, Feb-18-78, 4:1
  • State asked to take judge case. N&O, Feb-?1-
  • 78, 1:1
  • Not alone if charges are made. Picture. N&O, Feb-?5-78, ?3:1
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Grand jury may hear Peoples evidence. N&O, Mar-94-78, 11:1
  • Testimony heard. N&O, Apr-4-78, 1:5
  • Ex-judge indicted by grand jury. Picture. N&O, Apr-5-78, 1:6
  • Editorial: Peoples case in right forum. N&O, Apr-6-78, 4:1
  • Free on $9,500 bond. Pictures. N&O, Apr-6-78, 39:9
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • 78 counts against Peoples. N&O, Apr-?0-78 6:1
  • Case is delayed for change in attorneys. N&O, Apr-?l-78, 14:1
  • Court is asked to bar Peoples from judgeship. Picture. N&O, Apr-?6-78, 1:6
  • Panel founders differ over hold on Peoples. N&O, Apr-?7-78, 57:6
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Editorial: Peoples case plows new ground.
  • N&O, Apr-?8-78, 4:1
  • Hubbard beats Peoples in Superior Court race. Picture. N&O, May-3-78, 1:6
  • Late returns put Peoples over the top. Picture. N&O, May-4-78, 17
  • Win won't halt judicial charges. N&O, May-4-78, 15:?
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Editorial: Peoples not mere district concern. N&O May-5-78, 4:1
  • Judge's resignation note answered before its
  • time. N&O, May-6-78, 1:1
  • Wants hearing. Picture. N&O, May-9-78, 8:1 Editorial: Governor's office compounded
  • 'goof. N&O, May-l-78, 4:1
Peoples, Linwood T.
  • Sanctions for Peoples called illegal. N&O, May-95-78, 11:1
  • Brief argues Peoples action is still valid. Picture. N&O, Jun-8-78, 41:5
  • Presecutor wants trial of Peoples transferred. N&O, Jun-8-78, WA 1:1