N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 73 results.
- Sixteen physicians licensed by state. Ap.13-27:5.
- New physicians given licenses. J1.29-28:3 IL.
- Two New Bern doctors sentenced to prison for violation of narcotic act. Ap. 18-31:5.
- Negor physician of Rocky Mount ie hoid
- for trial for illegal operations. Je.25-31U
- Sanpson folks built monumnet for Dr. Kerr. Jan. 12-32: 7.
- Lawyers and doctors in N.C. (ed.) F. 6-32:4.
- Must be made to testify. 8.15-27:1.
- Dr. Wrisrht eavs doctors at the breaking Doint. N.6-32:8 X. Ed. N.7-32:4.
- Send us a doctor, plea to Cutter from Cameron woman. 0.11-35:18.
- A doctor for Cameron (ed.J 0.12-35:4.
- Flea for doctor again submitted. 0.13-35:5.
- Costs paid by doctor for removing stit ches. D.11-35:11.
- Cameron get doctor at last. Jan.16-36: 10.
- Dr. E.A. Sumner of High Point faces assault charge. Jl.35-35:9.
- Defers verdict in Sumner case. Ag.l-35: 7.
- High Point doctor said to sew up wounds and then taTce stitches out. Jl.34-35:1.
- Doctors pouring Into this state. D.3-36:5.
- State ohysicians Join in "revolt". N.8-37:1.
- Reciprocity licenses for doctor's given. D.12-37:2.
- Few ohysicians (ed.) D.27-37:4.
- Obligation. May 21-38:1.
- Medical soecialist hold meeting here. Se.23-38:3."
- Lumberton doctor seeks restrainer on ex-partner. Mar.14-40:2. Mar.15-40:17.
- Dr. Charles T.Wilkinson, Wake Forest, under bond on abortion case. Mar.15-40:10.
- Solicitor drops charge against Dr. Wilkinson. Je.12-40:14.
- Local doctors hear first talk in series by Dr. H.F.Flippin. Mar.15-41:3.
- Durham doctor, W. A. Stroud, is held guilty. Ap.4-41:5.
- Fuquiy doctor answers charge. Se.3-41:2.
- Surgeons honor Durham doctor. D.13-41:12
- Army, seeks 413 doctors form state durins-1942. Se.1-42:3.
- Pikesville doctor fined for narcotic violations. 0.21-42:3.
- Johnston doctor sued after death of child. D.11-42:15.
- Doctors having to meet shifts in populations. Mar.23-43:2.
- Raleigh doctors receive reserve buttons. D.3-43:14. 45:2
- Jury in Wayne acqylts Dr. Person.' ~Ap. 15-
- Doctor, nurse held in Asheville death.
- 0.27-45:2.
- 46:10. State examiners pass 49 doctors. Jan.19-Dr. G.D.Gardner, Asheville, given ptison sentence. Jan.31-46:10.
- Doctor's lawyers ask court for extensior F.7-46:16.
- N.C. Examiners board announces new physicians. Jan. 27-7: 3.
- Dr. essie Lane new president of Ralelgt
- Academy. Feb. 2-4-7: 2.
- Public health leaders say doctors are individualists - not good team workers. N&O, Dec-9-66, 27:1.