N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 1-6 of 6 results.
Proctor, Janet M.
  • Employe charges state agency with sex discrimination. N&O, Aug-7-75, 6:1
Proctor, Janet M.
  • Budget officers told to appear at court over firing (of Proctor) - Ap 25 85 23A
  • Fired worker's lawyer wants officials fined - Ap 30 85 9A
  • Director was fired after denying loans - My 1 85 16C
  • Fired worker's suit may cost $125,000 - My 15 85 3C
  • Ex-state employee awarded $183,717; her firing called violation of agreement - Jy 2 85 1
  • State will appeal federal ruling - Jy 6 85 5C
Proctor, Janet M.
  • Ex-loan chief claims firing was in retaliation for sex bias suit - No 3 83 22A
  • Former loan chief given two warnings on actions before firing, official says
  • No 4 83 3B
Proctor, Janet M.
  • Ex-state employee (Proctor) sues supervisors over firing - Jy 17 86 13A
Proctor, Janet M.
  • Ex-state official asks for job back - My 16 84 3C
  • State budget official (Dorman) admits policy violated in dispute over
  • hiring - My 17 84 18C
  • Magistrate rules Proctor was wrongly dismissed - Au 15 84 16C
  • State questioned on contempt charge for firing worker (Proctor)
  • Se 8 84 2C
Proctor, Janet M.
  • State pays $244,299 to settle suit, complaint (in firing Proctor) - Ap 13 88 1C