N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 24 results.
Radio stations
- Greensboro and Asheville stations are licensed. Ap.16-27:2.
- T.D.Simmons says South is not treated fairly. Ag.25-37:9.
- Bullard denies discrimination. Ag.28-27
- 5 X.
- Square deal assured for Raleigh's radio
- station. D.16-27:1.
- New proposal advanced for state broadcasting. D.18-27:8 0.
Radio stations
- Raleigh's new radio station goes on air with civic club program Monday night. N. 13-27:1 M.
- New radi :; station WPTF presents opening program. N.15-27:1
- Raleigh's station is limited to local sending-. 1.17-27:1.
- Existence of Raleigh's radio station threatened. D.2-27:1.
Radio stations
- No action on radio station for present, p.12, Nov.11, 1926.
- Governor's Dlan on radio station voted down, 53-30. F.26-37:1.
- State will have smaller station. N.27-26 12.
Radio stations
- Radio fight here is widely hacked. D. 30-27:5.
- Durham amateur radio operator talks to world. J1.29-2S:1 M.
- Listening in on Byred easy for Aehevill hoy. P.3-29:1 M.
- Durham man reaches Byrd party. F. 8-29:1
- Favors Raleigh station permit. N.5-37:1.
- Stanly county radio stations are dismantled. F.13-38:4.
Radio stations
- War ban turns Raleigh's "hams" to new lanes in ether. S.30-39:14.
- Attorney General rules law doesn't cover radion interference. N.21-39:14.
- War interferes with radio amateurs' friendly chats with foreign stations. D.3-391 M.
- Raleigh "Hams" compete in 26 hour competition. Je.24-40:12.
Radio stations
- 41:9.
- Radios changing old tunes today. Jan.l-
- Radio-ASCAP break has repercussions in city. Jan.2-41:12.
- State Broadcasters meeting here today. Jan.14-41:5.
- Broacc' sters meet here. Mar.30-41:6.
- Edenton,Raleigh out on Ham radio chain. Ap.4-41:3. 43:2.
- FCC announces Boone station closed. N.2C
Radio stations
- Clinton's new radios station ready for broadcasts. Mar. 3-7: 7
- State College radio station names staff members. Je. 29-47? 11.
- State now has 90 Radio stations. Nov. 4-4-7: 12.
- Radio station WGNI sold In Wilmington. Mar. 2-4g: 7.
- FCC tentatively authorizes new Raleigh station for News&Observer. Dec. 13-46:
- a 12.
Radio stations
- Southern Broadcasting Co. to merge with Robert Eastman Co. of New York City. N&O, Oct-22-68, 3:8.