N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 71 results.
Revenue, Department of
- Audit of Revenue dept not yet complete. May 7-31:10.
- State's employe, Lola Harwood, was $4,903 short. Js.2-31:1.
- M'Mullan heads sales tax group. Je.21-33:1.
- Selariee of nei executives fixed: Je.?4 33:1.
Revenue, Department of
- Nobel namee 58 deputies for State tax collection. Jl.16-33:2.
- Tax gatherers attend school at Chapel Hill. Jl.18-33:4. i
- State'8 revenue shows increases. Ag.1-33!
- Secrecy veils probe of revenue "irregulaj
- itiee. Ag.l9-33:i.
- Politics new to Highway men but not to
- tax force. 0.8-33:1.
Revenue, Department of
- Now out to get big business. F.18-34:8 G
- England named to Revenue job. Mar.15-34:1.
- L.D. Melvin, inspector named in criT.ina] action. Ap.l9-.4:1.
- Another action -filed on state fund ehorl a=re. Ap.?7-?4:1.
Revenue, Department of
- Proposed reorganization report is believed filed. 0.18-33:14.
- Revenue reorganization plans finally announced. Jan.11-34:1.
- Revenue situation makes interesting com versation. Jan.16-34:5.
- Eleven revenue employees out. "ay 10-34:14.
- Uncollected taxes by A.J.Medlin. Je.26-34:4.
Revenue, Department of
- Three more men dropped. Je.28-34:16.
- Collectors crack down on S "business men
- here. 0.13-34:13.
- Sees more funds in more auditors. Jan."
- r2-35:l.
- Gas and oil unit is established. Aer.?7-
- 35:3.
- Pay. Jan.15-36:1.
- Assistant. Se.19-36:1.
- W.J.Spain to fill revenue vacancy. Se.lS
- 36 16.
Revenue, Department of
- Tax agents meet. Ap.29-37:1.
- Maxwell names Gaston man to sales tax job. Jl.2-37:18. 18.
- Seven auditors added by state. S.21-37:
- Shuffle. Se.21-33:1. 1.
- Shortage found in Revenue dept. N.17-38:
- Forty get Jobs in license rush. D.1-38: 18.
- Maxwell seeking raises for revenue employees. J1.16-39:8.
Revenue, Department of
- Behind scenes in tax system fo receiving and distributing tax money. Ag.21-39:1
- 71 women get tag sale jobs. N.15-39:3.
- Revenue commission wins $2,500. Jan.26-40:13. 12.
- J.H.Barnes to head tasc dept. Jan.30-40:
- Revenue increases seen as answer to diversion. F.1-40:1.
- !'xwell "oes on leave, Gregory will fill cost. P.18-40:1. F-20-40:1.
Revenue, Department of
- Acting co'imissioner reonens Brewer caseJ
- r.22-40:1. 1
- Drunken driving rule in effect. F.25-40: Extra workers get tag Jobs. N.20-40:14. Tax unit change sought in bill. Mar.10-41:1. M.
- No place for experiment (ed.) Ag.10-41:4 Maxwell retains position. Ag.21-41:1. im
- State collector named in charge. D.3-41: Robert L. Ward, Jr. resigns. D. 17-41:1., 10.
Revenue, Department of
- Tax shortage. D.18-41:1.
- Revenue deputy reported short. D.13-41:6
- Jitters. D.20-41:1.
- Audit? Jan.1-42:1.
- Missing file. F.21-42:1. F.24-42:
- Maxwell not quitting. F.25-42:1.
- Revenue officials fired for gross negligence. F.26-42:1.
- Two Drakes; Noble men. F.26-42:1.
- Expose foreseen in Revenue case. F.27-42 3.