N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 30 results.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt talk big feature of Fair. 0. 15-29:1.
- Alex Fetid thinks Roosevelt fine. Se. 4-31:3.
- Carl Williamson to start Roosevelt club
- in Wake. F.5-32:10. F.6-32:1.
- Roosevelt club to meet An.l. Mar.24-32: p. Ap.1-32:8; Jp.&S8:l.
- Clyde Hoey eeep naming of Roosevelt.
- An.7-3":4.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt goes to the root of the depression Ap.9-32:4.
- Expect state to be for Roosevelt. May 5-32:1.
- Talks to large crowds as train crosses state. May ?6-32:l.
- Shuping sees Roosevelt choice of state. Je.14-32:1.
- State convention should instruct for Roosevelt, (ed.0, Je.16-32:4.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt enthusiasm sweeps through district convention. Je.17-32:8. 1. Tar Heels boost Roosevelt cause. Jl.1-32 Garner forms Roosevelt club. Jl.10-32:43 Norman Hapgood is for Roosevelt. 0.3-32: 10.
- Hoey eugolizes Roosevelt. 0.7-32:11. Roosevelt-Garner clubs have $30,000 state goal. 0.13-32:1.
- #.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt visit holds spotlight in N.C. campaign. 0.24-32:1.
- Tar Heels to welcome Roosevelt as Victory ipecial crosses state. 0.25-32:1.
- Garnered their hearts (ed.) 0.25-32:4.
- State welcomes Roosevelt. 0.26-32:1.
- Roosevelt given 70 pet of votes. N.20-32:1.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- "Stay East, young men" counsel from Roosevelt in his speech to the A. & M. graduates. May 27-13:1.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Escapes assassin. F.16-33:1.
- Miami tragedy (ed.) F.17-33:4.
- Roosevelt recognizes it was a revoiutioi (ed. on his cabinet) F.24-33:4.
- Roosevelt's st>eech given words of prais< among Tar Heels. Jan.5-35:1.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Will speak at Ghaoel Hill early next month. N". 13-36:1.
- Sponsors of Roosevelt visit to state. N.30-38:3.
- Roosevelt's trio recalls '29 visit. D.l 38:2.
- Roosevelt's visit to Hill is fourth by a president. D.4-38:7 M.
- State prepares to welcome President today. D.5-38:1.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- President stops at Rocky Mount. Mar.23-36:1.
- Rollins College speech. Mar.24-36:5.
- Torch flames to mark Roosevelt nomlnatloi Je.26-36:1.
- Paradeand eat in honor of F.D.R. Je.28-36:2.
- Roosevelt to inspect park area in motor car. Se.9-36:1.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt, Franklin D Doak, Douglas.
- Roosevelt, 25 years ago, talked in terns of president New Deal. May 29-38:5.