N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-8 of 8 results.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Foreign students guests of Rotary. Feb. 22-9: 3.
- National Rotary official pays call. Feb. 23-50: 21.
- Rotary installs new Club Heads. 27-50: 3.
- Rotary hears Gordon Gray. Feb. 20-51: 20.
- Rotarians elect W. D. Martin, president. Har. 20-51: 5.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Brewer heads Rotary club. Ap.26-27:9.
- Clyde Dillon is president. May 27-30:3,
- Tokyo shipbuilder speaks to Rotarians. far.15-33:3.
- Newsboys-cotton pickers get most first dollars. Ap.1?-3?:14.
- New hands take helm of Rotary. Je.28-32 14.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Francis Hickman tells Rotarians of America's Job In helping Europeans.
- May 14-M-6 7.
- House urges backing for medical urogram. Ag.27-46:5.
- Bailey will pay visit to local Rotary club. Jan. 6-V7: 12.
- Broughton foresees expansion In State. Jan. 21-17: 5.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Rotary club hears Wildlife president. Feb. 4-47: 5.
- Daniels lauds Rotary in club meeting
- here. Hpr. l-Vf S.
- Egbert Peeler elected president of
- Rotary club. Apr. 15-7: 5.
- Rotary Club honor retiring pr esldent, Jly. 1-7 S.
- Rotarlans discuss U. S. foreign Policy. Set. 23-7: 5.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Local Rotarlans hear talk on road testing. ct. 28-7 5.
- Raleigh's Rotarlans near of club history. Nov. lg-7! 5.
- Colyar Tatum elected head of Raleigh Rotary club. Mar. 9-4-g: 5. Raleigh Rotary club honors Wake farmers.
- V. l3-: 5.
- tarlans hear of scout camp. May k-ki 2.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Rotary officers for 1951-52 assume duties. Jly. 4-51: 16.
- John F. Danielson elected president of Raleigh Club. Mar. 11-52: 22.
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Murnick elected Rotary president. N&O, Apr-1-77, 43:8
- S. Koreans visiting here. Picture. N&O, Apr-9-77, 32:1
- Rotary officers. N&O, Jul-2l-77, 33:6
- Butz praises profit motive. Picture. N&O, Oct-4-77, 36:3
Rotary clubs - Raleigh
- Military official says pacts best for U. S.
- Picture. N&O, Jan-19-78, 6:2
- Wins award. N&O, Apr-26-78, 39:7
- New Rotary Club chartered. N&O, Jun-13-78,
- 23:5