N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 29 results.
School term
- Bigger school fund legislature's long step forward.
- p.l, sect.4, Mar.13, 1SS7. Refuse to submit;.-8-montns term, Dut aid it.
- M'Lean sees 8 month term around corner, D.5-27:1.
- E.D. Broadhurst says why eight months instead of nine? D.1?-?7:P.
- ATrT."llf.nSILeti soal say.
School term
- A.T.Allen says short term bad advertising, p.12, Dec.l, 1926.
- Allen thinks colinties will vote 8 months term. Je.24-27:8.
- 8-month school for all Harnett. Je.22-B8:3.
- Lenoir to have eight months of school. Je.26-28:1. j\
- Paramount issues 'Jl.29-28:4 M.
School term
- Commission divides 7 to 5 on 8-months school term.
- p.9, Jan.27, 1927.
- McLean wants legislature to provide 8 months term Agi27-28:1.
- Teachers legislative body endorse longei schools. 0.7-28:4 0.
School term
- Over loOO teachers display enthusiasm for longer term, p.l, Nov.6, 1926.
- Allen oleased at term vote. May 25-27: 16.
- Mull doubts success of 8 months plan. 0.16-28:18 0.
- N.C. Education association will again 8 seek 8 months term. D.:31-28:1.
- McLean offers school bill to provide
- 8 months term and out taxes. Jan.24-29:1
School term
- Drag race issue across pata of 8 montns school. Jan.25-29:1.
- Warren says real waste of schools in teachers. Jan.28-29:2.
- MacLean to wage "battle for longer term. Jan.31-29:?.
- Dr. Allen compares length of school terms. F.S-?3:2.
- Rep. Butler praises MLean's school measure. F. 3-29:3.
School term
- Chance for F.24-29:!. Substitute House. F.2S- M'Lean for M'L 29:1. oill ean i ta
- We.rren says new school bill will system. F.23-29:12. Lockhart savs bill would cripple F. 27-39:13. wreck school!
- Dr. A.T.A11 cripple rural en says schools Hancock bill will crj. F.27-29:7.
- -
School term
- Ben. Jonnson has new school bill. F.?-29:18.
- Subcommittee aaopts 8 months term measure. F.8-29:1.
- Mass meeting at Greenville approves McLean education bill. T.8-29:2.
- Lawrence resolution may 'block MacLean 8 month? bill. F.12-29:!.
- Oosten is strong for '/'Lean bill. F.18-
- 39:12.
School term
- how counties woula fare under liacean school plan. F.l4-2d:14.
- Sen.'ArieaDee offers another school solution. F. 15-29:2.
- M'Lean bill approved by committee. F. 20-29:1.
- M'Lean carriee 8 months school fight to floor. F.22-S9H.
- M'Lean bill passes Senate. F.23-29:1.
School term
- School battle approaches end in compromise. F.28-29:1; Ear.1-29:1.
- Durham fears Hancock bill to cripple schools. Mar.7-29:9
- See coaiOromifii on school fund action de laved. Mar.9-?9:1.
- History repeating itself in school measure fisrht. MaT.ll-?9!9\
- Senate adopts compromise on school measure. Var.12-29:1.
School term
- House rejects compromise on school mea-
- sure. Mar.15-29:1.
- What and why of school bill Mar.15-
- 29:14.
- Warren explains school measure. Mar.lS-
- 29:2.
- Senate victory ends flht over school
- measure. Mat.17-39:1.
- Senator Brousrhton says Warren for of e-
- conomy. Mar.18-29:8.