N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-7 of 7 results.
Sesquicentennial - Raleigh
- Raleigh plans birthday party. May 11-41; 7 M.
- Commission to consider Raleigh birthday plans. May 19-41:14. 1.
- Celebration set for Ap. 1942. May 25-41:
Sesquicentennial - Raleigh
- Clubs may ask that city abandon Sesoul-centennial. Msr.10-42:10. 42:22. Governor backs city celebration. Mar.11-Against Sesqul-ctntennial. Mar. 12-42:4. Fageant decision expected Monday, ar.14
- eolyin to yours of Mar. 11 by K.B.Lewis Mar.15-42:2 M. 15-42:4 M
- Sesaul-centennial by i.B.Henderson. Mar.
- Tfea Sesoui-centennial by athryne King. Mar. 17-42:4.
Sesquicentennial - Raleigh
- 42:1.
- Pageant opposed by civic groups. Mar.17-Sesqui officials modify program. Mar.19-
- 42: i.
- All together (ed.) Mrr.19-42:4. Sescuicentennial by Mrs. Irene Houlder.
- Mar.19-42:4. 42:14.
- Popular revenue to appear here. Mar.31-Program released. Ap.5-42:2. 1. Bid -oarada set for victory day. Ap. 21-42 Employers asked to grant leaves. Ap.22-
- 42:8.
Sesquicentennial - Raleigh
- Biggs heads commission on 150th city
- birthday. Liar. 3-41; 12. 41:16.
- Meeting to plan Raleigh birthday. Se.lS' Ambitious plans drawn for Raleigh's
- birthday. Se.26-41:2. Celebration date noted officially. Jan.
- 27-42:8. 5.
- Name chairmen of celebration. Jan.28-42 Truett to begin city celebration. F.5-
- 42: 11.
Sesquicentennial - Raleigh
- Plans advanced for celebration. F.8-42: 4 0.
- Prizes offered students in state's celebration. F.12-42:16.
- Contest on raaio plays to feature observation. F.15-42:3. 42:1.
- Landls, McNutt to speak on program. F.17 Services planned for celebration. F.23-
- 42:12.
Sesquicentennial - Raleigh
- Awards to be given for program covers.
- F.24-42:10. 16.
- Firms approved for state event. F.27-42: Committees named. F.28-42:6. 2.
- Actxass selected for celebration. Mar. 4-42 To open with religious services. Mar.5-
- 42:5. 2
- Plans are made for norse show. i-iar.8-42:
- Kay Kyser will appear here. Mar.9-42:1.
- Tae Sesqui-centennial by Mrs. H.T.Hicks. Mar. 9-42:4. fc