N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 30 results.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Elected U.S. senate; Tributes to Hon. F.M.Simmons. Jan.23-01:1.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Thanks for resolution expressed by Simmons. May 21-33:6.
- Without regret for opposing Al Smith. May 22-38:3 0.
- Nears new milestone. Jan.15-39:6.
- Passes 85th milestone. Jan.21-59:7.
- Dies in New Bern. May 1-40:1. Ed.p.4. May 2-40:5.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- To aid anti-Smith move. Se.2-28:1.
- John H.Small assails Sifflmons on 8mith stand. Se.5-28:1.
- Criticism of Senator Simmions by W.N. Jones. Se.7-28:4.
- Simmons talks to first voters. Se.14-28:12.
- Simmons gives further views. Se.15-28:
- 8.
- O.L.Shuping says Simmons now out of joint. Se.l7-28J9.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Simmons aesertB Smit will never "be e-lected; His address at New Bern. 0.13-28:1, 9.
- Senator Simmons' statement!ed.) 0.13-28:4.
- Simmons denies Hotalen claim. 0.14-28:]
- Judge Eiggs replies to Senator Simmons' < speech. 0.13-28:8.
- Speaks in Raleigh. 0.~:-28:l.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Two regulars hit at Simmons. Se.23-28:3
- Hallett Ward thinks Simmons mentally sick. Se. 23-28:3 M.
- Simmons' critics hotly denounced. Se. 28-28:2.
- T.S. McMullin dissents from Simmons' view. Se.29-28:13.
- Sees danger in Smith election. 0.7-28: 8 0.
- M'Laurin record sent tc Sim. is. 0.11-28:14.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Predicts Smith defeat in state. N.5-28:7. <
- Edgecombe starts move to force Simmons to resign. K.7-28:1.
- Simmons visions reunited party. N.8-28 14.
- Admirers visit F.M.Simmons. N.9-28:4.
- Simmons status discussion topic. N.22-28:1.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Tells of his farm bill. May 9-29:5.
- Simmons giver Hoovercfats no encourage ment. May 13-29:1.
- Simmons likdly to be unonoosed. May 13-29:1.
- Agrees to investigation of mill strikes, Kay 14-9:1.
- Simmons news story corrected. May 39-29:2.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Ed. S.Abell is hard aginst Simmons. J a
- 27-29:5.
- M.L.Shipman declares Abell stand is
- wrong. Je.28-29:20.
- Simmons fights in regular role. Jl.9-29:1.
- Simmons hasn't stooged war on Tammany outfit. Jl.12-29:1.'
- Simmons center in tariff fight. 0.22-29:1.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Morrison would defeat Simmons. N.10-?9: 1; N.14-29:1.
- Reoort of opposition to Simmons arouse interest. ft.13-29:1.
- Ranks first in Senate.25-29:1.
- Senator Simmons and the -narty by Mrs. J.M.Lee. N.70-9:4.
- wives notice of his candidacy in nrirrar Jan.1?-30:1.
Simmons, Staff Sgt. Furnifold McLendel
- Fight for senator ship as seen in Washington. Jan.15-30:5.
- Oratorical bououets for North Carolina senators. Jan.21-30:1.
- M'Lean will back Simmons. Jan.?8-30:l.
- Simmons followers hold aoiet meetine; in Durham. Feb.1-30:1.
- To open Simmons office here soon. F.9-30:1.