N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-7 of 7 results.
Skube, Michael (Column)
- John Clive and the prose of great history - Ja 14 90 4J
- Thin skins and the hazards of honest criticism - Ja 21 90 4J
- There's writing, and then there is writing - Fe 11 90 4J
- No light and no poetry down under - Fe 18 90 4J
- Gore Vidal's romp through Hollywood - Fe 25 90 4J
- Watching the game from the bleachers - Mr 11 90 4J
- Pedantry and the forgiveness of syntax - Mr 25 90 4J
- A teenager's life as deadly metaphor - Ap 8 90 4J
- Weeding out the sociologists at Washington - Ap 29 90 4J
- Deconstructing the truth in the university - My 6 90 4J
- Dodging the pronoun police at Columbia - My 20 90 4J
- The columnist as a pillar of American life - Jn 3 90 4J
- A great people mired in mud and history - Jn 10 90 5J
- On decency and the reading of dirty books - Jn 24 90 4J
- And to Lewis Grizzard a good day - Jy 1 90 4J
- Fools fumbling around with words again - Jy 8 90 4J
- There will always be a Germany - Jy 22 90 4J
- Handwringing again over the state of fiction - Jy 29 90 4J
- John Updike bids farewell to Rabbit - Au 5 90 4J
- A writer's windy words on writing - Au 12 90 4J
- Writers famous and writers unrecognized - Au 19 89 4J
- The fiction and nonfiction of madness - Se 2 90 4J
- Oxford reaches Cary, but how to reach Oxford? - Se 16 90 4J
- Shelby Steele: used to being in the minority - Se 30 90 4J
- Critics' corner: Readers have their say - Oc 7 90 4J
- The winning of the West as tragedy - Oc 14 90 4J
- Reading habits of a people gone to Hell - Oc 21 90 4J
- Women, men and so many Great Books - Oc 28 90 4J
- A Tar Heel writer from an old line (Yoder) - No 4 90 4J
- A politics for God and country - No 11 90 4J
- Reed is armed: a satirist among the trendinistas - No 18 90 4J
- Graham Greene and a novel of good and evil (The Power and the Glory) - No 25 90 4J
- It's going to be a windy time in the Windy City - De 2 90 4J
- Passing time and stories for children - De 9 90 4J
- Gail Sheehy's 'Six Lives' of Gorbachev - De 16 90 4J
- The American way of boring from within - De 23 90 4J
- Graveside services for Marxism - De 30 90 4J
Skube, Michael (Column)
- Intimates and strangers, and fathers and sons - Jn 19 88 4D
- North to Alaska with James Michener - Jy 3 88 4D
- The image of reality in popular culture - Jy 10 88 4D
- A most excellent man, on the face of it (Thomson) - Jy 17 88 4D
- A Decisive Battle, but what did it decide - Jy 31 88 4D
- A child's sense of wonder at life at the beach - Au 28 88 4D
- Appreciating a master of the short story (O'Connor) - Se 4 88 4D
- The guerrilla professors: humanities and hot air - Oc 2 88 4D
- The tender toughness of Raymond Chandler - Oc 16 88 4D
- The station of the nation according to Studs Terkel - Oc 23 88 4D
- Waiting for Brodkey, an 'American Proust' - Oc 30 88 4D
- The art of biography going to all lengths - No 20 88 4D
- 'The Mind of the South': W.J.Cash reconsidered No 27 88 4D
- 'Creative writing' and the English department - De 11 88 4D
- Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fight - De 25 88 4D
Skube, Michael (Column)
- Racism in its public and private faces - Ja 13 91 4J
- Leslie Dunbar: a man too good for this world - Ja 20 91 4J
- A forgotten book gets a plug from NPR (Kelly: Arabia, The Gulf and the West) - Ja 27 91 4J
- A biographer puts another face on LBJ - Fe 3 91 4J
- The confessions of a coach who was a hustler (Valvano) - Fe 10 91 4J
- Preening and posturing about W.J. Cash - Fe 17 91 4J
- The intimate tie: language and experience - Fe 24 91 4J
- Taking one's philosophical side seriously - Mr 10 91 4J
- Making money from a writer's recycled trash - Mr 17 91 4J
- Children at risk: the decay of the American city - Mr 31 91 4J
- When a man's lost he just hits the road - Ap 21 91 4J
- Joseph Epstein: a wit found in a slag heap - Ap 28 91 4J
- A postwar boom in books about Arabs - My 5 91 4J
- The American affection for something deadly - My 12 91 4J
- The survival of the most commercial - My 19 91 4J
- Looking for poets in the press box - My 26 91 4J
- Fugitive pieces by a writer on the run (Rushdie) - Jn 2 91 4J
- The business of being a bookseller - Jn 9 91 4J
- In search of the child in the man - Jn 16 91 4J
- The beach and freedom from marking time - Jn 23 91 4J
- The many faces of democracy in America - Jn 30 91 4J
- Schlesinger will pass on the salad - Jy 7 91 4J
- High marks on the High Plains - Jy 21 91 4J
- Getting in touch with your 'feelings' - Au 4 91 4J
- Into Africa again with Matthiessen - Au 11 91 4J
- Mississippi in myth and memory - Au 18 91 4J
- Cullen takes stock while freedom rings - Au 25 91 4J
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Skube, Michael (Column)
- Punctuation and the real business of life - Ja 17 88 4D
- Making the Pulitzer a rhetorical totem - Ja 24 88 4D
- From a Dallas boyhood to an American muddle (Wright) - Ja 31 88 4D
- Shouldering the burden of the Southern writer (Welty) - Fe 21 88 4D
- The legend of Lincoln: the great and ordinary - Fe 28 88 4D
- Rubin, Rubin, I've been thinking... - Mr 6 88 4D
- Updike plows tired soil: sex, sin and salvation - Mr 13 88 4D
- Writers and the manly art of human sacrifice - Mr 20 88 4D
- For once a few real stars on the best seller list - Mr 27 88 4D
- William James and the American way - Ap 3 88 4D
- A neglected writer's moment in the sun (Willeford) - Ap 10 88 4D
- Rendering unto Camus what was Camus's - Ap 17 88 4D
- A satire about the city out saving the world - Ma 22 88 4D
- Harrigan's elegant essays on the everyday - Jn 5 88 4D
- Western lit from Milton to Zane Grey (and others) - Jn 12 88 4D
Skube, Michael (Column)
- A call to exterminate the plaque carriers - Ja 1 89 4D
- The Brave New World of literary theory - Ja 15 89 4D
- Prof. Fish and the triumph of theory - Ja 29 89 4D
- Educating a nation whose number's up - Fe 5 89 4D
- Reading an American classic too literally (Lonesome Dove) - Fe 12 89 4D
- Rediscovering writers who first seduced us - Fe 19 89 4D
- Two different worlds, and a writer in peril - Fe 26 89 4D
- Spending winter nights with a good Russian (Dostoevsky) - Mr 12 89 4D
- A Southerner (Carmichael) whose time had passed - Mr 26 89 4D
- The passing of a witness to our century (Cowley) - Ap 2 89 4D
- The new rift between mind and matter - My 7 89 4D
- On presuming books guilty till proved innocent - My 14 89 5D
- The careerism that calls itself 'scholarship' - Jn 4 89 4D
- The Southerner who was the last gentleman - Jy 9 89 4D
- When writing becomes a trick of programming - Jy 16 89 4D
- When the mail brings the shock of recognition - Jy 30 89 4D
- Being true to your school, right or wrong - Au 6 89 4D
- The prison of clinging to half a language - Au 20 89 4D
- On not being present at the creation - Se 10 89 4D
- A second honeymoon with Hegel - Se 17 89 4D
- Power and a great American morality play - Se 24 89 4D
- The lengths biographers will go to - Oc 1 89 4D
- Where have all the (real) Marxists gone? - Oc 29 89 4D
- Two races fastened to one another - No 5 89 4D
- Maxwell who? We market books here - De 3 89 4J
- What's the matter with Mencken now? - De 10 89 4J
Skube, Michael (Column)
- The justice and injustice of rotten reviews - Se 1 91 4J
- Men and their emotions finally get their due - Se 8 91 4J
- Picking up the pieces of the Soviet empire - Se 15 91 4J
- The book is Alexandra's, not mine - Se 29 91 4J
- Paperbacks in the library of America - Oc 6 91 4J
- Norman Mailer at his Sunday best - No 24 91 4J
- The books that read the reviewer - De 8 91 4J
- Feeding frenzy or the public's right to know? - De 15 91 4J
- Mushing on till midnight with Mailer - De 29 91 4J