N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 10 results.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- M'Ninch to head Anti-Smith move. Se.7-28:1.
- Brock Barkley named publicity director. Se.9-28:4.
- Anti-Smith force may have to file. Se. 11-28:1.
- Issues call to foes of Smith. Se.15-28: 2.
- i'Ninch writes Raskob about Robinson. Se.16-28:2.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- M'Nich may head anti-Smith move. Ag. 12-28:12 0.
- Organize at Dunn. Ag.15-38:9.
- Anti-Smith selects groups. Ag.25-28:2.
- Dunn issues "bulletin against Smith. Ag. 31-28:6.
- Upchurch sneaks at Rocky Mount. Se.S-28:2.
- Leaders will map out campaign today. Se.S-28:2.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- Hickory forme anti-Smith club. J1.29-28:2. '-
- Call anti-Smith parley in Raleigh Thursday. Ag.1-28:1; Ag.2-28:3.
- Tucker aesailB Catholic church. Ag.3-28:1.
- Anti-Smithites to meet Friday. Ag.6-28: 2.
- Make public dry meeting signers. Ag.8-28:12.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- Compile list of anti-Smith men in Wake. Jl.21-28:8.
- Charlotte democratics want M'Ninch in anti-Smith fight. Jl.22-28:2.
- Anti-Smith democratics of the south open headquarters in Richmond. Jl.22-28:2.
- Durham anti-Smith club in spotlight. Jl.22-28:5 X. Jl.24-28:12.
- Dr. R.L.Flowers declines anti-Smith posl
- Jl.28-25:2. Jl.23-28:8 M.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- Frank M Ninch attacks Smith. Se.19-28:
- 12.
- M'Ninch speaks at Greensboro. Se.22-28:
- 2; Bailey replies to 11'Ninch. Se. 23-28:8,
- M'Ninch looses bolt a- Murpay at Ashe-
- ville. S( ?.35-28 2.
- M'Ninch epeaks in Raleigh. Se.27-28:1.
- n " Winston Sal em. 0.2-
- 28:12.
- George ' r. Winston would like Hoovffr
- Bulletin to circi i late-in N.C. 0.4 -28:10
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- M'Ninch speaks at New Bern. 0.13-28:2.
- Gov.MSLean's brother and business associate join anti-Smith forces. 0.17-28:1.
- Seawell and Newell speak in Durham. 0. 18-28:14.
- Owen met at Selma but arrived here unheralded. 0.19-28:3.
- M'Ninch denies Republican give to anti-Smith fund.' 0.19-28:3.
- Cohoon scores party leaders. 0.20-28:lC
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- Asks wrong man to contritute to fund to fight Gov.Smith. 0.4-28:10.
- New Bern Baptist ministers urge defeat of Smith; M'Ninch say anti-Smiths are not ignorant. 0.6-28:2.
- John H.Cohen refutes report about Smith if elected will put negro in cabinet. 0. 10-23:14.
- Anti-Smithe open eastern offices. 0.10-28:14.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- Seawell speaks at Greensboro. 0.21-28:
- M'Ninch won't debate Cooley. 0.22-28:1.
- Ham delivers political sermon in Durham,0.22-28:2; in Henderson. 0.23-28:3.
- Evans takes stump for Antis. 0.24-28:1!
- M'Ninch replies to negro charge. 0.28-28:1.
- Judge Nathan Newby att
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- Cannon defends political work of ministers. C31-28:2.
- Anti-Smith 'body must file expense report. N.1-28:1.
- Federal officers in New Bern are anti centers. N.2-28:2.
- Anti-Smith oucnty forces fail to file expe.se account. V,2-28:11.
- Cannoan In Charlotte; Lnc target of rotten eggs j.n Waynesville. I. -28:6.
Smith, Alfred E., Anti-Smith Democrats
- K'Ninch makes reply to Mull. N.5-28:13.
- M'Ninch predicts defeat of Smith. N.S-28:2.
- Anti-Smith leaders nere in conference with Simmons. N.17-28:1.
- Hartnese seee no action in M'Ninch case
- I.18-28:9 0.
- Anti-Snith in Virginia is divided. May
- 28-29:5.