N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 13 results.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- New faces ni school faculty. S.11-27:
- 12 M.
- Cheshire tells school history. S.16-27:
- 14.
- Will have a new domit ory ready next Sep1
- N.13-27:1.
- Junior College at St. Mary's accredited.
- D.4-27:9 0.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Faculty give good concert.
- p. 12, April 1, 1927
- Finals begin with play. May 29-27:5 (Sport)
- Bishop Maxton preaches at St. Mary's. May 30-27:2.
- Crowded day at St. Mary's. May 31-27:1#
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Brooks speaker at ! 3t.Mary's. Je 1-27:3.
- Alumnae 28:12. Students i p Honor Mi 28:10. Chinese 1 M. honor late represent W.Stone 18 states Jan.31- Mar.9-28:
- ps Webb at L'ay festival, Girls at St. Mary's. Se.May li 30-28:
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Fletcher quits as chaplain. Je.31-35:30 "In my opinion." Je.32-35:4. 14<
- Kloman accepts St. Mary's post. 0.29-35;
- St. Mary18 alumnae hear school chaplain N. 15-35:3.
- State alumni cooperating in presenting fashion show. Ap.19-36:1 X.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Commencement. Je.3-29:6. Da;. Way resigns as rector of St. Mary's, Mar.26-32:1, Mrs. Cruikshank may head school. Ap.8-
- Gets valuable books. D.9-34:4. Makes change in fees. Ag.5-37:9.
- Granddaughters carry on tradition. 0.8-39:7 M.
- Graduation. May 28-41:16.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Fill faculty vacancy in music. Je.13-40:
- 16.
- Carrying on traditions. May 13-40:21 E.
- 100th session to begin today. Se.1-41:12
- City grew around St. Mary's. Ap.26-42:19 C.
- Plans Pageant here May 18. May 10-42:4.
- Bp. Penick praises St. Mary's for succes by hrrd way. Hay 18-42:2.
- 100 good years (ed.) May 20-42:4.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Trustees meet. Jl.9-43:12.
- Trustees of St. Mary's plan for modernization. Ap.30-44:14 X. 44:12.
- Directors named for school drive. May 11
- Mrs. L.V.Sutton named chairman. May 14-44:16.
- Postwar plans overlook only hope of mankind says Malcolm McDermott. May 30-44:2.
- Drive -clans set for St.Mary's. Je.2-44: 18.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- 14. Pledges total about #135,000. Je.16-44:
- Leaders prepare for school drive. Je.24-44:5.
- Begin centennial drive. Je.28-44:8. Raleigh goes over quota. Jl.25-44:14.
- Officers chosen. 0.~6-44:l6.
- Darst addresses senior class. Je.4-45:6.
- Interesting facts. Je.17-45:11 X.
- St. Mary's president resings as of June 1946. N.16-45:8.
St. Mary's School - Raleigh
- Gets $40,000 gift. F. 20-46: 14. Officers elected at Salt Mary's. May 16. 6: 16.
- Class exercises held at collesre. Je 1-7: 2.
- Rev. Robert L. Crandall speaks at St. Mary"s. Je. Z-k-j: J.
- St. Mary 0T)enes 106th session Se"nt. 15. Sept. y-1-?5 13.