N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Named arbitrator of railway wage. D.21-27:2.
- Heads wage arbitration court. Jan.4-23:1.
- Married in New York. Je.18-29:1.
- Stacy advanced definitely for U.S. Supreme court vacancy. Ear.12-30:1.
- Rumor of Judge Stacy appointment to supreme court causes excitement in Raleigh
- Mar. 14-30:1
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Chief Justice Stacy on steel arbitration bd. Je.29-34:1.
- To head new board created to end textile warfare. 8e.37-34:1.
- Stacy at the helm (ed. ) Se.?7-34:4.
- Promises quick mediation. Se. 28-34:1.
- Thinks progress is being made in settling labor disputes. 0.1-34:5.
- Admiral iley lauds cualities of Stacy. 1.29-54:1.
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Cumberland bar recommends Judge Stacy for U.S. Supreme court. Jan.20-32:3.
- Franklin county bar advocating Stacy. Jan.23-32:3.
- Vigorous effort made for Stacy. F.7-32:10 X.
- \nnointed on the Emergency Mediation Bd. to consider labor trouble? on tne Louieianna, Arkansas and Texas railroad. Mar.l?~32:2.
- To take Mediation post. Mar.7-35:3.
- tn
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Josephus Daniels urges Hoover to put Stacy on hign court. Mar.20-30:1.
- To place Stacy in running for UwS. Supreme court again. May 9-30:1.
- Justice. Ag.30-351.
- Boosting stacy Cor court post. Ag.6-37:1
- Chief Justice Stacy (ed.) Ag.7-37:4.
- Governor boosts Stacy for court. Ag.S-37:1.
- Time says Stacy on of seven cousidered for Supreme courA A3.21-37:1.
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Present Stacy for U.S. Supreme court post. Jan.7-38:3.
- N.C. delegation bakks Stacy for court. Jan.8-38:12.
- Council endorses Stacy for US. Supreme
- court. Jan.15-33:12.
- Tar Heel heads board to avert rail paral
- ysis. Se.28-33:1. 3 M>
- Tar Heel jurist holds spotlight. 0.23-3S Report opposes slash in wages of rall4ws
- read labor. fc 0.30-33:1.
Stacy, Walter Parker
- 1. Takes defense Job assignments. Ap.6-41: Is Stacy in or out? by A.B.Andrews. Ap. 9-41:4.
- Playing key role In crucial labor dispute. Ag.23-41:3. Arbitrator. Jan.27-42:1. Wages. 0.5-43:1.
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Chief Justice StacJ dies; funeral rites
- here today. Sept. 14-51: 1.
- At its best. Sept. 14-51: 4 (Ed).
- .Stacy's rites are held here. Sept'. 15-51: 3.
- Stacy given high tribute. Sept. 19-51:6.
- Stacy rewards close assistants in will.
- Sept. 20-51: 16.
- Stacy estate is 0294,284. Sept. 27-51:1.
Stacy, Walter Parker
- Stacy in group to study negro rail labor issues. Jpn.4-45:1. Jan.25-44:1.
- Will preside over industlral neace parley. 0.23-45:1.
- Right man for bight Job (ed.) 0.23-45:4.
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