N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 10 results.
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Rothgeb given Morganton job. Jan.9-43:12 Pleads for more funds. Jen.29-43:6. Dr. John R. Saunders named hospital head Mar.12-43:5.
- Maurice Hill named manager. Ap.14-43:2.
- Hospital traces recent progress. Jl.15-43:3.
- Improvement. N.15-43:2.
- Has new executive. Jan.21-45:12. Over-crowding is found. F.5-45:7.
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Saunders resigns. Mar.28-45:5. Beall. Ap.21-45:1, 2.
- Dr. Beall accepts. Ap.26-45:10.
- State hospital at morganton facilities expand. Hay 20-51: 7-11.
- Horganton State hospital commissary head faces embezzlement count. Apr. 11-52:1
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Revolting picture (ed.) Jan.22-42:4. Politics and the insane (ed.) Jan.26-42:
- 4.
- Hospital board directs Morganton investigation. F.7-42:1. 1.
- Tiny staff found in asylum probe. F.8-42
- Investigate fully (ed.) F.8-42:4.
- Probe. P.14-42:2. 1.
- Independent bd. named for probe. F.18-42
- Probe. F.21-42:1.
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Physicians support investigating com. report. Se.8-42:1. 1.
- Backing. Governor backs report. Se.15-42
- Hospital bd. enacts changes. Se.16-42:1.
- Quick changes. Se.17-42:1. 15. Governor lists hospital changes. 0.23-42
- Broughton lists Morganton work. D.11-42 24.
- Judge Marshall Spears reviews Morganton hosrital case at Junior League meet. Jan. 7-43:6. A
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Pictures abused nurses, bitter cold, in asylums. F. 23-35:1. 1.
- Senate demands atylum inquiry. Mar.1-35 Balanced by the insane (ed.) Mar.1-35:4 Hospital nurses have 15 hour day. Mar 8 55:1.
- Lpffl elative rornrrittee 'Hays methods at Hosnital. Mar.7-35:5.
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- 2. Commltte tours state hospital. Mar.19-4?
- Jimison relrtes stay at hospital. Mar.2Q 42:1.
- "Outside interference" cited as hospital evil. Mar.26-42:3.
- Probe hears politics charge. Mar.28-42:1
- Nurses get salary raise. May 21-42:2.
- Legislature gets blame for hospital conditions. Je.3-42:3.
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Watkins says hospital in need of more funds. Je.5-42:2.
- Hearing is slated today. Je.16-42:2. Je. 17-42:13.
- Dr. R.H.Long resigns. Jl.28-42:7. Governor's committee makes hospital study. Ag.l-42:3.
- Morganton probers urge new head for hospital. Ag.8-42:1. Ed. p.4. 2 Act on several recommendations. Ag.20-?2
State Hospital for the Insane - Morganton
- Brummitt hear b cruelty charges Morgan-
- ' ton case. Ap.7- -27:1.
- Brummitt will study evidence ir i asylum
- case. Ap. L5-27 :l.
- Brummi 11 makes visit to asylum. Ap. 29-
- 27:1.
- Brumitt finds no nes ;ligence to cause
- death. Je.4-27 :l.
- Hospital probe closed chapter. Je
- 5-27:10 (Sport)