N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 11 results.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Elected Commander of the American Legion. 8e.25-31:1, 4.
- Home city plans for Stevens day. Se. 27-31:1.
- Warsaw to welcome new commander home. Se.29-31:1. Se.30-31:l.
- Goldsboro gives warm welcome. Se.30-31:14.
- Henry Stevnes is natural leader. 0.4 31:8 M.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Fayetteville will give Stevens great welcome. 0.8-31:3.
- Charlotte all set to greet Stevens. 0.9-31:1. 0.10-31:1.
- Plan big reception here for Commander Stevens. 0.11-31:4.
- Stevens' speech feature of Fair. 0.14 31:1; 0.15-31:1.
- Speaks in Charlotte. D.8-31:3.
- Warns aginst wage cutting. F.12-32:7.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Asks support of naval measure in speech at Winston-Salem. Mar.1-32:5.
- Opposes any bonus steps by congress now. Ap.6-32:1.
- Will be decorated today with Legion of Honor. J1.3-32:3.
- Address at the dedication of the Raleigt Auditorium. Ag.15-32:10.
- Raleigh Legionnaire thinks Stevens ehoul go back to Warsaw Se. 10-32:8.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Stevens, Henry L
- The national commander: from the Oregon Journal. Se.16-32:4.
- Lauds Red Cross. N.11-32:8.
- Heard at Elizabeth City. Jl.5-34:7. To run for Grady's Job. Jan.13-38:7.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Speaker at Faison event. Jl.20-37:13.
- Possible candidate for governor was launched on a watermellon. Ag.5-37:1.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- To begin service in Wake. Jan.9-39:12.
- Warns of lawlessness. Jan.10-39:2.
- Discusses war in Johnston. Ag.18-42:5.
- Speaks on people's war role. Se.10-42:14
- Pacifism raoped in jury charge. Jan.18- 44:3.
- Scores pacifist s in charge of grand jur jury of Wake. May 9-44:12.
- Soft rieace for axis opposed by Stevens. Jan.24-45:10.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Judge Stevens decides not to enter 4th Judicial District race for re-election. N&O, Feb-24-62, 1:1.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Ex-commander of American Legion praises anti-Red statute. N&O, Jun-30-63, I 11:2.
Stevens, Henry Leonidas, Jr., 1896-
- Judge Henry L. Stevens Jr. to be honored in Duplin County. N&O, Nov-5-68, 3:5.