N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 33 results.
- Strawberry mart formally opened. Ap.ll-39:1.
- Chadbourn expectinp; biggest strawberry season in years. Ad.16-39:12 M.
- Berry crop will bring $2,000,000 this year. Ap.24-39:12.
- Hail helps price of strawberries. May 3-39:1.
- Wallace opens festival today. Je.7-39:3
- Strawberry shipment total 448,000 cratei
- Je.7-39:S.
- 41:13. Wallace market receives berries. Ap.23-Rosehill's first. Ap.24-41:2. 9. Growers schools begin In state. Ap.29-43 Boys recruited for farm work. May 21-41:
- 1. Berry markets to have official opening
- Monday. Ap.28-40:5. 10.
- Berry growers -protest prices. May 7-42: Berries rotting from labor lack. May 8-
- 42:15.
- Berry farmer enters denial as to housing quarters provided for pickers. Ap.28-35:3 M.
- Strawberry belt gets mor help. Ap.?9-35:5.
- State's strawberry area s;et6 labor conscience in emergency. May 5-35:1.
- 5. Berry averages top 1941 prices. Ap.21-42 Transient labor to live in camp. May 3-
- 42:4 0. 2.
- Wallace market sets new record. Je.26-42 State's strawberry crop cut by almost
- one half. Ap.13-43:9.
- Protest by strawberry-growers on celling
- price. Ap.27-44:1. 3.
- Berry ceilings bring protests. May 2-44:
- Strawberries. Mar.31-45:8.
- BSrry auction prices up as ceilings are removed. pr. 13-1J-6: 2.
- Strawberry men may ship by air. r. 17< kG' 2.
- Berry prices. Apr. 25-4-6: 2. It's strawberry nicking time down East. %t. 2&kG'> 1-IV.
- Strawberry acreage same as last year. Mar. 17-7; 9.
- Albright, R.M.
- Wallace market is unicue olace. May 10-36:1 0.
- Strawberry festival tinder way at Waalace' Je.3-36:3.
- Quality ooor, sales light through strawberry belt". Ap. 12-38:1.
- For bigger, firmer, sweeter strawbarrle Ap.17-38:1 0.
- Lentz, Libby.
- Strawberry shipping started 68 years age Ap.9-39:6 M.
- Wilson, L.W.
- Strawberry markets colorful trade institutions. May 7-39:3 M.